MapEventTable | MapGL | 2GIS Documentation
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The list of events that can be emitted by the map.


Emitted repeatedly during any change in the map's center.

Emitted after any change in the map's center.

Emitted before any change in the map's center.

Emitted after the map language is changed.

Emitted when the map is clicked.

Emitted when the map is clicked by right button.

Emitted after the map is destroyed.

Emitted after the floor plan level is changed.

Emitted after the floor plan is disappeared from the map.

Emitted after the floor plan is shown on the map.

Emitted when the map becomes idle after some interaction (drag, zoom etc). Idle means that the map is not interacting, all tiles are drawn and labeling is finished. This event doesn't take into account any asset loading (for example, marker icons).

Emitted when the user presses a mouse button over the map.

Emitted when the user moves the pointer over the map.

Emitted when the user moves the mouse away from the map item.

Emitted when the user hovers over a map item.

Emitted when the user releases the mouse button over the map.

Emitted repeatedly during any movement of the map.

Emitted after any movement of the map.

Emitted before any movement of the map.

Emitted repeatedly during any change in the map's pitch.

Emitted after any change in the map's pitch.

Emitted before any change in the map's pitch.

Emitted after any change in the map's size.

Emitted repeatedly during any change in the map's pitch.

Emitted after any change in the map's pitch.

Emitted before any change in the map's pitch.

Emitted after the map style is loaded.

Emitted after the map style fails to load.

Emitted when the user lifts the finger off the map.

Emitted when the user taps on the map.

Emitted after the traffic layer hid from the map.

Emitted after update current traffic score.

Emitted before the traffic layer showed on the map.

Emitted repeatedly during any change in zoom level.

Emitted after any change in zoom level.

Emitted before any change in zoom level.