Релизы MapGL API | 2GIS Documentation

Релизы MapGL API

There are two ways to choose MapGL version:

  1. (recommended) major version: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1
  2. fixed version: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.49.0

Major version guarantees to have stable API (breaking changes will land into the next major version). It is updated regularly with new features, bug fixes and performance improvements.

Fixed version does not have any updates. That's why it has a short support period of 3 months after a new version is released. We guarantee that the version will be working during the support period. The only reason to choose fixed version is when you need Subresource Integrity (SRI). Because of short support period you have to update the version regularly.

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.49.0

SRI: sha512-UJSlwASCc8ZUaznYBIzhy1rOpH7x6tNH0bQXOM06YVPm3e5D52njA0z6mTxat1W8It4b1L3pgJcQbkVLQEXwSw==

Release Date: 22.07.2024

  • Added shadows rendering
  • Added an opportunity to hide layers by type (showLayers and hideLayers methods)
  • Improved dashed polylines appearance at small angles between segments
  • Fixed a bug when interaction with map controls causes parent form element submit
  • Fixed a bug related to errors while loading SVG files with Unicode symbols beyond Latin-1 range
  • Fixed a bug with loading icons from Data URL
  • Fixed a bug related to multiple requests for traffic metadata

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.48.0

SRI: sha512-90FUY1z5cb/cDXCj/R1I9UCfH2ZRZe3SS7s6kxfhWCLtP8riZNzv4EpRDkHNOSqut0plt6gHQhVWj125cQYrig==

Release Date: 25.06.2024

Support End Date: 22.10.2024

  • Added a new map method hasLayer
  • Added support for Georgian language
  • Fixed a bug related to broken sorting inside raster layers group
  • Fixed a bug related to map crash on invalid center argument passed
  • Fixed a bug related to ScaleControl not being updated on map move
  • Fixed a bug related to black screen issue on some older systems and mobile devices in desktop mode
  • Fixed a bug related to the functionality of some shaders on DirectX9

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.47.1

SRI: sha512-vSLNOWM/3apNkb/R/zvXBGw/tZn6pzTM85fPGtzfzPqibXHBqoGQw7lrsyvMIbmuG3HhlR8hxSqGM8Y8sRbveA==

Release Date: 13.05.2024

Support End Date: 25.09.2024

  • Fixed a bug related to 3D-models appearing. Objects linked with 3D-model were hidden even if downloading/parsing of the 3D-model had failed
  • Fixed a bug related to labelLine style layer. Labels were broken in cases where textLabelingSideMargin was smaller than lineEndingOffsets
  • Fixed a bug related to Label dynamic object in looped map
  • Fixed a bug related to 3D-models appearing. Objects linked with 3D-model might not be hidden in case several objects are linked with a 3D-model
  • Added support for Armenian language. Since all the fonts have been rebuilt, you may encounter slight differences in screenshot fonts tests. In this case, we recommend updating your reference screenshots
  • Added method setZIndex for HTML Marker

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.47.0

SRI: sha512-rPwclEfHMQpmbj8wclml5yT2Xx5287HyGrn14AHO2Tz9/JyQ9/buWjk2QOO4+p0HKx2694SAsrHgQEciPp+VvA==

Release Date: 15.04.2024

Support End Date: 13.08.2024

  • Added the Looped map mode
  • Fixed a bug where fog wasn't applied to heatmap
  • Fixed a caching bug related to adding a new GeoJsonSource
  • Added new Label options: interactive and labeling

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.46.0

SRI: sha512-rncqjHZLBpQ+ryDSqhk3YocpwDn2/XjU4W5KuRrCO1yPqueSikr8jpGvsGvaXP8UgxZQbs7cRWS4BXCPQ6pBeQ==

Release Date: 27.03.2024

Support End Date: 15.07.2024

  • Added disableRounding option for HtmlMarker
  • Fixed a bug causing labels to flicker on mobile devices

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.45.2

SRI: sha512-5kwPuvjt/ElOt/KPsraRJBGXFJaXPLnrF3yDE8G9GGnxkktyVuMZUivEb/fRDNbDlgOB9VAM4MW+kMu1YoMx+g==

Release Date: 28.02.2024

Support End Date: 27.06.2024

  • Fixed bug when labels disappear after fog turning off
  • Optimized tile generation process

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.45.1

SRI: sha512-42TqTf1P9hFV2z8Heg85bSkJvOMjdO+mOScUBe6Gkg+Eo/ANGV/S+Zdx4C6sfL93WB09YTRTKqlB7i7egE0YxA==

Release Date: 13.02.2024

Support End Date: 28.05.2024

  • Fixed bug when fog was not applied to raster tiles

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.45.0

SRI: sha512-kRIzzdchVN3RnvnHi0zhavjtO0ZmEvJeNV/CPKyPZSt+wrLh8KT5MUSpEjTvfps1nBJh/r+JeTSBYIJlKxX1Sw==

Release Date: 02.02.2024

Support End Date: 13.05.2024

  • Added lowZoomMaxPitch option and setLowZoomMaxPitch method to the map
  • Added the ability to enable/customize sky and fog using the style editor
  • Fixed bug with zoom/rotation when map option disableRotationByUserInteraction is true

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.44.0

SRI: sha512-jK0DkSp5sydUL8m4SIK3WGoTP3yHFY/ch/JvrAD8lb+7gP4b67mE7sxcCyz/EkyaFcJNFGR8j9BkILt5nRF5KA==

Release Date: 19.01.2024

Support End Date: 02.05.2024

  • Little improvements in a polygon side stroke rendering

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.43.0

SRI: sha512-hpmXNqXbFJoXfnn1BniqaPzJ7XD/BNci2oy+X0gWNxf+VxBy8mMVOWFbH1kHKDaTypFA7Zk6Un2ICGHTemtVtQ==

Release Date: 12.01.2024

Support End Date: 19.04.2024

  • Added setStyleFromUrl method to the Map class that allows to fetch a styles object from URL and apply it to the map
  • Fixed posteffects shifting on devices with a fractional pixel ratio
  • Fixed a reduction in performance after tile generating with a large number of buildings
  • Improved zooming in/out for trackpads
  • Added some rendering optimizations

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.42.0

SRI: sha512-w0WQIsSX8a7wdP6I9DGTJUuuNlRckdtSHrh5/bkHiM86pvMUrv7YBR4qIelWl0cHQKcn/AS4dXp/QVW/qucQcA==

Release Date: 07.12.2023

Support End Date: 12.04.2024

  • Improved glTF-model appearance animation
  • Expanded the area 3D models are drawn within
  • Fixed shader accuracy bug in FireFox
  • Fixed a bug related to buildings visibility during their loading with visible floors
  • Fixed anti-aliasing after calling setViewport method
  • Fixed rendering artifacts in Chrome + Vulkan (Linux)
  • Accelerated map generation when buildings are replaced with models or floors

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.41.1

SRI: sha512-I8tuzesRKXBeFCeSttN99f45ztx4N+hE8GrdJRjoLeL+NAbgn6ifuv8oVRW9+YZELBCtvn9WfjnEKY6tVcF/yg==

Release Date: 07.11.2023

Support End Date: 07.03.2024

  • disableAntiAliasing map option is true by default now

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.41.0

SRI: sha512-jZ32UcIX2ajjYAVm/SQDVl6pAwiHTiNBK6+2OuadCUWeWLG3Wl4TkB2bQcDDflQilfE5yIF/4sc52Eix5YQ1WQ==

Release Date: 02.11.2023

Support End Date: 07.02.2024

  • Supported bbox in RasterTileSourceOptions.url function for generating WMS(EPSG:3857) requests
  • Height in meters is supported as third coordinate in HtmlMarkerOptions.coordinates
  • Fixed a bug related to the incorrect position of Marker
  • Fixed the fog effect on CircleMarker
  • Improved the traffic tile generation speed
  • The WebGL2 is used by default now
  • Anti-aliasing is added as a default for static map scenes

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.40.0

SRI: sha512-r/OJEdpyfWM54LutP4CT2MTYNNkT15IXIikFbuo3kZB7m1cF+x5c6B3pywvPv340sv/px72UT9kAZCaoZEoOSA==

Release Date: 28.09.2023

Support End Date: 02.02.2024

  • Updated RTL-plugin inside on-premise image
  • Fixed a bug related to immersive models appearing

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.39.0

SRI: sha512-o0GTlexWkchK7CDoCyV3SZp3GyLwFEUyfHZbK1dAG/bziXm1+9VVW8+w4YPUhYyfiCF1LU0FTbItY3yFjA69TA==

Release Date: 17.08.2023

Support End Date: 28.12.2023

  • Fixed a bug related to the \uFDFD ligature
  • Added the MODELS_TILESET on-premise option
  • Fixed a bug related to models on the edge of a tile

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.38.1

SRI: sha512-ZI6DJ8Hheb/I2TPiV0Re4FqDxYu8Z+7gm5q5V857SxcSJ41fIBdcSZDmKgXAL9K9PvvwyRy4v2/IS/T3g7QkXQ==

Release Date: 1.08.2023

Support End Date: 17.11.2023

  • 3D terrain now supports WebGL2
  • Minor performance improvement

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.38.0

SRI: sha512-1MGyRisT/ONz76o2b+ZWobmoenz9F5JQJmXpcCakOTSpK3d/Fg//4NrlhaEJqg6QQ7HpigE/UVuAsnc2lnzUiA==

Release Date: 20.07.2023

Support End Date: 1.11.2023

  • Floor plans now appear from 18 style zoom level and above
  • Supported a new data type - multipoint - which is used for 3D model data from the default data source
  • Now you can use 'db_icon' as an argument for the get expression against the default data source
  • Fixed a bug when building polygon did't appear after zoom out from GLTF model
  • Fixed a bug when floor plan objects became non-interactive after GLTF model disappearance

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.37.2

SRI: sha512-oPjl7LaNTqPDxqnCPAJ9etDEwuzR7pYAIwNcaZseA0q455Fu9WLXYgQKU4mt13/BrEpXyM40EFyuNgwOpT0bOw==

Release Date: 26.06.2023

Support End Date: 20.10.2023

  • Fixed models batching degradation
  • Fixed a bug related to model IDs

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.37.1

SRI: sha512-YBbAI5l5wsQZRSdBKOX2JMyU/Jiojkno6BYq5yQqvWPSzxX2JP4RHe/+ELArpCliAMTn4pDUeB3yg48hmAS5Lw==

Release Date: 22.06.2023

Support End Date: 26.09.2023

  • Fixed public types reference

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.37.0

SRI: sha512-YBbAI5l5wsQZRSdBKOX2JMyU/Jiojkno6BYq5yQqvWPSzxX2JP4RHe/+ELArpCliAMTn4pDUeB3yg48hmAS5Lw==

Release Date: 22.06.2023

Support End Date: 22.09.2023

  • Turned on GLTF models default source
  • Enabled anonymous statistics reporting
  • Fixed background color of the map on relief toggle
  • Fixed GLTF models rendering bug when on some platforms GLTF models partially turned black
  • Fixed a bug when map objects are painted with black until map style is ready
  • Fixed building's labels height
  • Fixed geojson null properties processing
  • Optimized tile loading process and floors cache management

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.36.0

SRI: sha512-xXnVboB2zu22ckxAR5Gl1W6YtkXFTnwgw6BWEN+xDoL8jiXEDXx8MnpUkTr/X9M2eg5vzEVwnJKfoZCWB1092Q==

Release Date: 24.04.2023

Support End Date: 22.09.2023

  • Added an opportunity to cover polygon layer with a texture pattern
  • Added an opportunity to use gradient for sideColor attrs
  • Added an opportunity to render .gltf/.glb models
  • Fixed building's label height calculation bug

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.35.1

SRI: sha512-YA9PUiFN4s/AYd7HEOV9xBPbkFL3EKYujzr92C71x0iC47SuJkgo4kOPbLhXkqR4nKtasoHaQu0MH8W7HzCp/w==

Release Date: 05.04.2023

Support End Date: 24.07.2023

  • Restored handling of map click events, when adding Marker while terrain is enabled
  • Fixed infinite resizing of the map, when the option enableTrackResize is enabled
  • Added defaults for style and styleOptions (on-premise)

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.35.0

SRI: sha512-I95x74802tV3xu17WWqnJW4DQkk42bSUAFc94Vy568Gf3B5BqiZ1XUAlu8zm3e/v8M8bysMMXJXrqhPbQgUxGg==

Release Date: 15.03.2023

Support End Date: 05.07.2023

  • Added enableTrackResize option to automatically update the map when the HTML root container is resized
  • Broken glyphs are no longer displayed in RTL text

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.34.1

SRI: sha512-fa19VYYu0LEST0tT277ZMSjJBAyEjmtFf2x8fu6sdq3JiLvkrHpoqfuD0iU5N0STBUSMSL+zyC56gX2ihCQ/tg==

Release Date: 21.02.2023

Support End Date: 15.06.2023

  • Returned behaviour of incremental rendering of the map at startup
  • Fixed wrong drawing order of markers with a hover icon
  • Fixed redundant refetching of 3D-models on a style change

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.34.0

SRI: sha512-zpgmQsv2r+efNg3DU3Du2cWmrDvgTinOrUWOWB3+aLntJrSzHb5x38JF85snUmA5+xHELqV0FEb53Waez76AZg==

Release Date: 26.01.2023

Support End Date: 21.05.2023

  • Now you can use 'db_id' as an argument for the get expression against the default data source
  • Fixed an issue with broken rendering of rasters and POI in Ubuntu Chrome on the systems with Intel UHD Graphics

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.33.1

SRI: sha512-ecpxdRbZJWOQJDpv3ACErJz4VMEC0NeU2biwa1O7ZMnqCC/9KeUO8tBlI0Oh/06bg0zrW99NHTJO9UGlvvqqYg==

Release Date: 21.12.2022

Support End Date: 26.04.2023

  • Fixed path check in the on-premise Docker image

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.33.0

SRI: sha512-p6MxOVcMREpUCahQl4JzZmE9MJuHkeM9KNPuvg+XvNV10iL0gHYFe3Cw8r/dN1Dl5S7w4aF6zwD6OcmkYmcxFA==

Release Date: 12.12.2022

Support End Date: 21.03.2023

  • Added the maximum zoom limit option (maxZoom) to the fitBounds() method.
  • Added ^ and log10 style expressions.
  • Fixed the default marker anchor.
  • Fixed a wrong styling with the setFeatureStateMap() method in the case of null and empty feature values.

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.32.1

SRI: sha512-wX/mh3xvoNQpp5jrSyastruOZPoZ0WsbsM3RVeNoZzmsX+6gwe9t6mraa7Jtt/5QbzmcJQolVusl+VY5WJFdLA==

Release Date: 15.11.2022

Support End Date: 12.03.2023

  • Introduced support for WebGL2. WebGL2 will be enabled automatically, but you can fix version with webglVersion map option.
  • Fixed iconAnchor processing for landmark POI
  • Fixed city-scale POI display conditions

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.32.0

SRI: sha512-X7aLkkpQ5kEYCi3XnOTjkBdjjNge9AhqiFqKNt9rEE+YWybqe6ShTTDWjj63Q+g6DCHVbvEc9ylskSmkkXgdfw==

Release Date: 3.11.2022

Support End Date: 15.02.2023

  • Added support for new version of tiles, that will be enabled by default in the future

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.31.1

SRI: sha512-ZBhsKGFxlh1lz+QCz7CBnqIJiszWTdysr1KeYp3GaQxi4RVzcfQHUvVaCHtu64gsndzah/ghFn9BWGAs6r6VCg==

Release Date: 31.10.2022

Support End Date: 3.02.2023

  • Fixed a bug which broke the previous version of the npm package

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.31.0

SRI: sha512-ZBhsKGFxlh1lz+QCz7CBnqIJiszWTdysr1KeYp3GaQxi4RVzcfQHUvVaCHtu64gsndzah/ghFn9BWGAs6r6VCg==

Release Date: 28.10.2022

Support End Date: 31.01.2023

  • Changed a logo in the copyright
  • Fixed a bug with broken labels in cases when rtl-plugin was failed to load
  • Added a method getStyleState() to get the current map style variables
  • Added a new option useHeightForAnimation for method setZoom(). This option is needed for simultaneous smooth animation of map's center and zoom
  • Fixed a bug in method addIcon() when path to the icon includes protocol
  • Fixed a broken bundle for Edge 18 caused by globalThis in JavaScript-bundle
  • Fixed an error with incorrect order of rendering of selected object, which happened in the rare cases

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.30.1

SRI: sha512-UlnjOQ9o3i4uI7MCumlFFNtStFrjg0P6hW38lG6dOV8oZ3MN3ZtJ9RZSpQlP/adoXxnCeyWrQnuTOH7orPdmhg==

Release Date: 12.09.2022

Support End Date: 28.01.2023

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.30.0

SRI: sha512-16Btcu0P5rjeGYb7bXYb3wTL9a6yzMmsIb6zjwwnrV1YACt+cCFB9Im0JaUtqClnaV0zk3l2NMbNJQ1VfXO5Gg==

Release Date: 02.09.2022

Support End Date: 12.12.2022

  • Now non-stretchable icons grab sizing from style layer, not from icons style field
  • Added addIcon() method
  • Added new floorId field to map events data.

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.29.0

SRI: sha512-64sI8xrPZz6WTEag8ZrLBKATdvlomDhh2aXgOCW41G0a85Nfg9bE03X8CsCFljwJoVNEGzpqBj7rfI5wxW8feA==

Release Date: 26.07.2022

Support End Date: 02.12.2022

  • Added setFeatureStateMap() method.
  • Fixed a bug with broken zoom after an intensive interaction with map on Safari for iOS
  • Fixed a bug that was caused by subsequential removals of the layers

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.28.0

SRI: sha512-vfkLFA7TxzG/i8J74JtXtjSahwjcYNYErnFxw+YE95yeFHPg3STjlU+KHz3gAtzu3PDREeLOajAb8nm+UKGPLg==

Release Date: 27.04.2022

Support End Date: 26.10.2022

  • Added a new Raster class that allows to draw an arbitrary image on the map plane within the given geo-coordinates.

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.27.0

SRI: sha512-QEKWeB9ztMmEKV4z0+vdykUHXmsxctnXzaUE8uimJqaEheEWlqI1EycQrrx2h+kb53jcC2JVH+8DfdgcSEhIDQ==

Release Date: 26.04.2022

Support End Date: 27.07.2022

  • Added the ability to draw a point layer along linear objects from 2GIS tiles.
  • Google Analytics disabled by default.

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.26.0

SRI: sha512-2mejYMySrrkqoSPSCbmE9Df7AukuaF6X35nm0Lh/CYmFvDRBJiobKGvvBZMYYURqmnjHT1LWg47qOl0mY9G6dQ==

Release Date: 18.04.2022

Support End Date: 26.07.2022

  • Fixed bug when map crashes in case of unknown style layer with absent fields (style, filter, etc).
  • Added getRotation() method for HtmlMarker.
  • Added scale control and map option scaleControl
  • Smooth style change now supported in Models
  • Minimal zoom for commercial POI was set to 10

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.25.0

SRI: sha512-dKEiOJWpm9mCf3Hs281OrRdLK4OHcF+15KJA/A2nnIC/7uUrFjUAGwGKFbDBXzf3M9PGC3OkRpTt8lWC2zNnPQ==

Release Date: 28.03.2022

Support End Date: 18.07.2022

  • Added to-color style expression.
  • Added interactive option for HtmlMarker.
  • Now an exception is thrown when the id property of Layer is undefined.

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.24.1

SRI: sha512-UxI6nCSCH7V1283JR5fA6J2lFoNhWfb2Kr4y63+kGq4t2GpnhQpdrHQvK94DIpTTzCOAQli/VcnHtPGEZvgLWw==

Release Date: 10.03.2022

Support End Date: 28.06.2022

  • Fixed a bug when labels blink after geoJsonSource.setData() calling.
  • Fixed an exception throwing when map.removeLayer() method removes a non-existent style layer.

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.24.0

SRI: sha512-TA2asa83r/M6+8SXgNzE3JpTpE6nG++0FQ1yxb/iIMuR5B3brg5bFdEc/dM7wCAiyZj8VPESlPbaqutPwR9Z+A==

Release Date: 02.03.2022

Support End Date: 10.06.2022

  • Added iconOffset property to the point style layer

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.23.0

SRI: sha512-9AnRVsj0ANvT2fdNqt1x4cl0wab2wqGiogTxhlE+LoeXhhjX/Lx0SaYImdo2RTlk2MzlajYCjR2UMyUZFqCnGw==

Release Date: 17.02.2022

Support End Date: 02.06.2022

  • Added isUser field to the moving event data. It helps to understand that the movement was made by a user gesture or by calling an API method.
  • Added the map option keepCenterWhileUserZoomRotate, which prevents the map center from changing after user gestures of zooming and rotating.
  • Added the ability to change GeoJsonSource data with the setData() method.
  • Added in, any, ==, !=, >, >=, <, <=, !, to-boolean style expressions.
  • Added new reserved style state (global) variables _activeFloorBuildingIds and _activeFloorIds. They make it possible to stylize objects depending on the display of active floor plans on the map.
  • Clarified behaviour of get, global, and sourceAttr expressions. Now they return null if the attribute value doesn't exist.
  • Fixed a bug when a label background image doesn't hide after calling the label.hide() method.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the second label size to be incorrect for the labeling process.
  • Fixed a bug when a filter in a style layer works only with match and all expressions.
  • Fixed a bug when the map throws shader initialization exceptions right after self-destruct.
  • The map.getProjectionMatrix() method was marked as deprecated and is not recommended for use.

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.22.0

SRI: sha512-rsmQRslZ64rAQirb3gjswyf/kXUM72jIzue1VXX5lyVrvoTJ3SgdLPtOj/YjtpbBc3XeMShzOuV77jBnQaxsGw==

Release Date: 27.12.2021

Support End Date: 17.05.2022

  • Added new heatmap style layer.
  • Added Arabic language support.
  • Fixed buildings flickering when switching to 3d.
  • Support for using get-expression as an interpolate-expression argument.
  • Changed the copyright appearance for new clients.

URL: https://mapgl.2gis.com/api/js/v1.21.1

SRI: sha512-0xv+n0ij4KSJW5ZMWQyaKnC5PGyZ3ms6+/cOh9+sKhXkVxAAJspaS7GrP0+Uz2jltY4h5FhzQ0YG4jn5qW1uNw==

Release Date: 02.12.2021

Support End Date: 27.03.2022

  • Some internal bug fixes

Release Date: 26.11.2021

Support End Date: 02.03.2022

  • Added the new userData field in all user object init options, for example PolygonOptions. This field will be available on the user object instance as public userData field.
  • Added the new DynamicObjectPointerEvent type, object with this type will be available in the object event listeners.
  • Added the new options minZoom and maxZoom in RasterTileSource init options.
  • Added the new option maxZoom in GeoJsonSource init options.
  • Fixed bug with GeoJsonSource objects rendering when minzoom of object style layer exceeds 15 zoom level.
  • Fixed bug with polygon stroke and 3d-buildings. Now the stroke of the polygon will always be flush with the fill of the polygon.
  • Fixed bug with Raster tile layer blurring.

Release Date: 27.10.2021

Support End Date: 26.02.2021

  • Fixed bug when fonts were not loaded for Marker and Label objects when text contains glyphs from different font ranges.

Release Date: 27.10.2021

Support End Date: 27.01.2022

  • Added the ability to display raster tiles. See example for details.
  • Fixed bug when styleload event emits before a style load.
  • Fixed bug when fonts were not loaded for Marker and Label objects.

Release Date: 15.10.2021

Support End Date: 27.01.2022

  • Added a component for sending statistics of showing commercial POI on the map.
  • Changed the format of the sessionId option to UUIDv4.

Release Date: 07.10.2021

Support End Date: 15.01.2022

  • Now an unhandled promise rejection does not occur when a new style applies immediately after map initialization.
  • Now we add commercial POI to the map of clients, which use the free plan. This change affects only new clients but not current users.

Release Date: 01.10.2021

Support End Date: 07.01.2022

Release Date: 15.09.2021

Support End Date: 01.01.2022

  • Fixed bug with incorrect rendering of multipolygons in Floors.
  • Added the ability to set the rotation of the Marker icon.
  • Fixed bug with incorrect anti-aliasing of polygons at map zoom 6 and less.

Release Date: 06.09.2021

Support End Date: 15.12.2021

  • Added topCenter, bottomCenter, centerLeft and centerRight options to ControlPosition.

Release Date: 25.08.2021

Support End Date: 06.12.2021

  • Fixed bug where the map center was changed with the pinch-to-zoom gesture at map maximum zoom.
  • In case of the requested style is absent on the style server, fallback to the previous/default style will be used.

Release Date: 17.08.2021

Support End Date: 25.11.2021

  • Fixed a bug when polygons became non-interactive after creating them in large quantities.
  • Fixed a bug with gaps in traffic lines.
  • Fixed a bug when labels from one GeoJsonSource remove labels from another forever.

Release Date: 29.07.2021

Support End Date: 17.11.2021

  • Added a new class GeoJsonSource to show GeoJSON data on the map.

Release Date: 01.07.2021

Support End Date: 29.10.2021

  • Fixed bug, when red lines appearing on map with empty or erroneous style.
  • Fixed incorrect drawing of traffic lines.

Release Date: 23.06.2021

Support End Date: 01.10.2021

Release Date: 21.05.2021

Support End Date: 23.09.2021

Release Date: 16.04.2021

Support End Date: 21.08.2021

  • Fixed bug with traffic styles in editor.

Release Date: 09.04.2021

Support End Date: 16.07.2021

  • Internal changes and bug fixes that do not affect the operation of the map engine.

Release Date: 05.04.2021

Support End Date: 09.07.2021

Release Date: 29.03.2021

Support End Date: 05.07.2021

  • getContainer method now returns HTML Element provided by user.

Release Date: 25.03.2021

Support End Date: 29.06.2021

  • Added the getContainer method.
  • Added more descriptions for types and interfaces in methods used to work with floors.

Release Date: 22.03.2021

Support End Date: 25.06.2021

  • Internal changes and bug fixes that do not affect the operation of the map engine.
  • Fixed a bug with the map container selection on long tap on iOS.

Release Date: 12.03.2021

Support End Date: 22.06.2021

  • Internal changes that do not affect the operation of the map engine

Release Date: 03.03.2021

Support End Date: 12.06.2021

  • You can pass InterpolateExpression to width, width2 and width3 params in PolylineOptions
  • Fixed a bug with road render in some rare cases.

Release Date: 01.03.2021

Support End Date: 03.06.2021

Release Date: 24.02.2021

Support End Date: 01.06.2021

Release Date: 02.02.2021

Support End Date: 24.05.2021

  • Fixed a bug in the fitBounds method, when rotation has negative value or rotation has not be considered.

Release Date: 29.01.2021

Support End Date: 02.05.2021

  • Added a new method fitBounds to pan and zoom the map to contain its visible area within the specified geographical bounds.
  • Added a new method isSupported which checks whether the current browser supports MapGL.
  • Added a new method notSupportedReason which checks whether the current browser supports MapGL and which returns the reason in a string.

Release Date: 24.12.2020

Support End Date: 29.04.2021

  • Fixed a bug where the inertia of the map doesn't work if a styleZoom was set

Release Date: 22.12.2020

Support End Date: 24.03.2021

  • Fixed the map center changing behavior by setting different zoom types. If a styleZoom option was set, the map style zoom doesn't change while map dragging. Conversely, if a zoom option was set — the map zoom doesn't change, but the style zoom does.

Release Date: 18.12.2020

Support End Date: 22.03.2021

  • Added a new map option styleZoom. This option allows you to set the same zoom that is used in the style settings. The styleZoom and zoom options set the same map scale but in different projections.
  • Added a new method setLanguage to change the desired map language. The map will try to set the language if it possible.
  • Added a new method getLanguage, which returns the desired map language.
  • Fixed a bug with touch events that leads to the exception with undefined.

Release Date: 10.12.2020

Support End Date: 18.03.2021

  • Added a new method setStyleById to change the map style by its ID. 🎉
  • Added a new map option defaultBackgroundColor. This option allows you to set the default background color while style is loading.
  • Added a new map option style that takes a style ID. The map will be initialized with the specified style.

Release Date: 1.12.2020

Support End Date: 10.03.2021

  • Internal changes that do not affect the operation of the map engine

Release Date: 09.11.2020

Support End Date: 1.03.2021

  • Internal changes that do not affect the operation of the map engine

Release Date: 22.10.2020

Support End Date: 09.02.2021

  • Added a new method setStyleZoom. It sets the map style zoom.
  • Added a new map option maxBounds. It restricts map to specified bounding box.

Release Date: 07.10.2020

Support End Date: 22.01.2021

  • Added stable fix for missing rerender (IOS 14 and other)

Release Date: 22.09.2020

Support End Date: 07.01.2021

  • Added patch for missing rerender on IOS 14

Release Date: 18.09.2020

Support End Date: 22.12.2020

Release Date: 26.08.2020

Support End Date: 18.12.2020

  • Added the new relativeAnchor and offset options to the LabelOptions. Use these options for the Label placement instead an anchor option, which is deprecated now.
  • Supported the new label placement options in the Marker object.

Release Date: 04.08.2020

Support End Date: 26.11.2020

Release Date: 21.07.2020

Support End Date: 04.11.2020

There are no any release notes. This is the first release with a fixed version.

  • New option disableZoomOnScroll was added to the Map options. This option disable zoom on scroll, when a mouse cursor is above the map container.
  • New method setSelectedObjects was added to the Map. This method allows to select any object on the map.