Class for managing gesture processing.
fun setSettingsAboutMapPositionPoint(settings: EventsProcessingSettings): Unit
Setting the point relative to which the scaling and rotation takes place.
Event handling settings.
When the function is called, gesture recognition tools are recreated.
fun setMutuallyExclusiveGestures(rules: List<EnumSet<Gesture>>): Unit
Setting a list of rules for excluding simultaneous triggering of multiple gestures.
The default rules are added to the passed list of rules, which do not allow the tilt gesture to be triggered simultaneously with other gestures. Each rule contains a list of gestures that cannot be triggered simultaneously. For example, if the Scaling and Rotation gestures are specified in the rule, these gestures will not work simultaneously. If multiple gestures from the rule are performed simultaneously, the gesture with higher priority will be triggered. The order of gesture priorities (in descending order): (Shift ->) Tilt -> Scaling -> Rotation -> MultiTouchShift
var enabledGestures
var scalingSettings
var rotationSettings
var multitouchShiftSettings
var tiltSettings