Navigation | Pairs Directions API | Release notes | 2GIS Documentation
Pairs Directions APIdeprecated

Release notes

What's New

  • For the routing_type request parameter that indicates the routing type, the values ​​car and pedestrian are replaced by driving and walking respectively.

What's New

What's New

  • You can now build bicycle routes. When building a bicycle route, you can exclude new types of roads using the filters parameter: stairways, overpasses, underpasses, and car roads.

What's New

  • You can now set a list of areas to avoid when building a route. See the Excluding areas section for more info.
  • You can now specify the direction of movement for the start and end point of the route (see the azimuth1 and azimuth2 parameters for each pair of route points).
  • Routes now have an optional distance_direction parameter. You can use it to set the distance from the starting point in meters maintaining the direction of movement. If distance_direction is set, the response will include an additional reliability field that indicates the accuracy of the calculated route.
  • You can now build taxi routes. They work exactly like regular car routes, except they additionally include public transport lanes.