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Places API

Places API

The Places API performs a search for organizations, buildings and places.

You can search by:

  • company name (“Moos Hair Dressing”)
  • company's business area (“restaurants” or “music instrument stores”)
  • with geotags (“Al Mankhool flowers”)
  • attributes of goods and services (“Italian cuisine café” or “Sauna with a pool”)
  • telephone number or website (“97143017777” or “www.marinaviewhotel.com”)
  • without specifying a text query (in a building, in a category, in a city, search for all branches of one company)
  • makani (“12991 75289”)

Requests are made using the GET method, all required parameters should be passed in the query string. The response is returned in the JSON format. To provide hints when searching for objects use Suggest API.

Here is an example of a request:


Request takes the following parameters:

  • q=cafe — the search is performed for the “cafe” query
  • sort_point=37.630866,55.752256 — coordinates for a nearby cafe search
  • key=YOUR_KEY — your API key

For all requests, it is obligatory to specify the search geography restrictions. The following options are available:

  • geographical criteria in the text request — for example, "Moscow cafe"
  • the point from which the search is performed
  • search in a radius
  • search in a rectangular area
  • search in an arbitrary area
  • search in the city

See also:

Filtering is possible for these most frequently used types:

  • by object type — for example, only among attractions
  • by location — for example, in a certain district, city, in a given area
  • by the type of response data — e.g., only companies or only buildings
  • by category — e.g., a search for cafes or grocery stores only
  • by organization — you can get the list of all branches of an organization
  • by working hours — e.g., only branches working around the clock
  • by availability or absence of data, e.g., photos, reviews, rating, website, tax identification number
  • by additional attributes — e.g., the availability of Wi-Fi, the ability to pay by card, etc

The complete list of filters and their corresponding parameters can be found in the API reference.

Additional attributes contain reference information about organizations: the availability of Wi-Fi, the average check, whether they have delivery, what product range and types of services they offer, whether there is coffee-to-go, and so on.

The list of available additional attributes for filtering is dynamic. To see it, specify the &fields=filters parameter in the request. In the response, additional attributes will be listed in the result.filters.attributes field.

To filter the results by one or more additional attributes, pass each of them as a separate parameter attr[<code>]=<value>.


  • <code> — is the code of an additional attribute.

  • <value> — is the value of the additional attribute. The value type depends on the attribute type:

    Attribute type Value type Example
    flag Boolean attr[food_service_business_lunch]=true
    range Range of two comma-separated integers attr[food_service_capacity]=10,30

Filtering by attributes with type filter:

Attribute tag Destination Value type Example
has_site Filter by site availability Boolean has_site=true
has_photos Filter by photo availability Boolean has_photos=true
bound Filter by rectangular area String (see the format of the point1 and point2 fields in API description) point1=82.921663,55.030195&point2=82.921663,55.030195

Filtering by other attributes:

Attribute tag Destination Value type Example
district Filter by district Integer (district ID) district_id=141347373711435
worktime Filter by working time String (see format for worktime parameter in [API description].(/ru/api/search/places/reference/3.0/items)) worktime=now
subway Filter by metro station Integer (subway station ID) subway=141523467371731

If you specify several additional attributes, only those objects that meet all conditions will be returned in the response.

The sort attributes in the filters block output are used to sort search results

The fields parameter is used to get more information about the object. The available fields are listed in the API reference.

You can enable sorting of the search result using the sort parameter in your query.

The search result is sorted by distance from the user's location, object rating and other parameters. Sorting types are defined in the API reference.

You can find the organization by tax identification number, phone number, website address and trade license. Such a search does not take into account the location of the user. The result of this search is a list of organizations. Full description of all search methods and parameters can be found in the API reference.

The request response is given in the JSON format:

    "meta": {
        "api_version": "3.0.448950",
        "code": 200,
        "issue_date": "20200626"
    "result": {
        "items": [
                "address_comment": "3, 5 floor",
                "address_name": "Nikolskaya, 25",
                "id": "70000001031668425",
                "name": "MCK, lounge bar chain",
                "type": "branch"
        "total": 5926

Parameters that are passed in the response by default:

  • id — object identifier
  • name — object name
  • type — object type. Object types are defined in the API reference

Additional information about an object can be passed in the fields parameter. It is possible to get additional information on:

  • the point to which the object is bound
  • the object's address or location and its binding to administrative and territorial units
  • object geometry, visual center of geometry
  • the parent organization to which all company branches belong in a particular segment of the map.
  • working hours
  • contact info
  • objects related to the company or place: entry points, nearest stops and parking lots, service organizations, entrances to the building and others
  • detailed information about parking lots: capacity, cost, type of access, number of levels
  • detailed information about the building: number of storeys, building material

The full list of additional information is defined in the API reference.

The search_type parameter defines the algorithm and the settings optimized for a specific search goal, as well as for the logic for generating search results.

The most commonly used search types are described below. The full list of search types can be found in the API reference.

In search results categories and organizations will be expanded to companies (branches of an organization). For example, a search for "Russian Post" will put all post offices in the search results. Category expansion works in a similar way — when searching for a "cafe", the result will contain companies from the "Cafe / Cafeteria" category rather than the category itself, which is also the subject of the catalog. This algorithm of result formation is used by default and matches the search_type=discovery parameter passed to the query.

It is similar to a search with expansion, but also keeps only one branch for each organization. For example, the user wants to find an online store and to look at its site, and he does not need all the pick-up points in the result. To use this algorithm of forming the search result you need to pass search_type=one_branch to the query.

It is suitable for searching organizations in a building, for example, in a business center or a mall. You can also use it to autocomplete when searching in the building. To use this algorithm of forming the search result, you need to pass search_type=indoor to the query and specify the building id in the building_id parameter.

  1. Get an access key:

    1. Sign in to the Platform Manager.
    2. Create a demo key or purchase an access key for using API: see the Access keys instruction.

    To work with access keys, you can use the Platform Manager: see the Platform Manager section.

  2. Learn about the request and response formats.

  3. Check the examples of the Places API requests.