2GIS Documentation
Examples, tutorials, and API references to help you start using 2GIS products for business

Interactive maps in your web application or website
Maps and navigation in your iOS app
Android SDK
Maps and navigation in your Android app
Flutter SDK
Maps and navigation in your Flutter app
Style Editor
Customize maps to match the corporate identity of your application
Tiles export
Integrate the Urbi map into other GIS systems
Static API
Static maps in your web application or website
RasterJS API
Interactive maps on your site with raster tiles
FloorsJS API
Widget with a floor plan of buildings on your site
Places API
Search for organizations, buildings, and places
Geocoder API
Get information about an object on the map by address or coordinates
Suggest API
Tips for finding objects on the map
Categories API
Information about groups uniting companies by field of activity
Regions API
The region where organizations, buildings, and places will be searched
Markers API
Markers of objects on the map
Routing APInew
Plot a route on the map for different vehicles
Directions APIdeprecated
Plot a route by car, on foot, by bike, or by truck with traffic jams
Pairs Directions APIdeprecated
Plot multiple routes at a time
Truck Directions APIdeprecated
Plot a route on the map for cargo transport
Public Transport API
Plot a route with public transport
Distance Matrix API
Get information about the distance and travel time between points on the map
Plot the shortest route in terms of time or distance to bypass the specified points
Isochrone API
Get an area on the map that is reachable from the starting point in the specified time on foot, by car or bike
Map Matching API
Plot a route for a car from a set of points recorded by the vehicle
Radar API
Get device location when the GPS signal is weak