TerritoryManager | iOS SDK | 2GIS Documentation


Interface for interacting with the list of territories: Subscribe to changes of information about territories; Search for territories by coordinates and geometry; Subscribe to changes of information about the general progress of territory installation/updating; Suspend and resume the process of territory installation/updating.

Extends: Hashable
public static func == (lhs: TerritoryManager, rhs: TerritoryManager) -> Bool

Returns a Boolean value indicating whether two values are equal.


Channel with a list of all known territories. Updated when information about at least one of the territories changes, or when the contents of the list change. The content of a channel is a subset of the total list of packages received from IPackageManager::packages. To avoid descriptions of packages being out of sync, you should not use data received simultaneously from multiple channels that contain subsets of the generic package list.

Channel with a list of all known territories. Updated when information about at least one of the territories changes, or when the contents of the list change. The content of a channel is a subset of the total list of packages received from IPackageManager::packages. To avoid descriptions of packages being out of sync, you should not use data received simultaneously from multiple channels that contain subsets of the generic package list.