UI controls | Mobile SDK | 2GIS Documentation

UI controls

SearchLayout is a component that provides an interactive search bar and list of results. It is part of both full and map versions of the SDK.

Adding SearchLayout to the layout is the same as with any other Android UI component:

    app:dgis_suggestorType="general" />

The dgis_* attributes are for initial setup, see the documentation for SearchOptions for details.

In addition, SearchLayout can also be created from code:

// For the example, let's create options and change the SearchType.
// Let's leave the rest of the parameters as default.
val options = SearchOptions(searchType = SearchType.Online)
val searchLayout = SearchLayout(this, options)

In addition to the configuration at creation, lifecycle configuration of parameters is also available. This is described in the next subsection.

After creating SearchLayout, the [configureSearchEngine()](/en/android/sdk/reference/10.0/ru.dgis.sdk.directory. SearchLayout#nav-lvl1--configureSearchEngine) methods of the SearchViewConfigurator interface become available. The methods allow both changing the initial creation settings - search type, output size, etc. - and configuring other parameters such as geoposition provider, object type restrictions, etc.

val locationProvider: LocationService
val searchLayout = findViewById<SearchLayout>(R.id.search_layout)

searchLayout.configureSearchEngine { // this: SearchViewConfigurator
    // Let's add LocationService to get the distance to the object, relative to the current geoposition.

    // Let's change the maximum number of objects in the issue.

The addSearchViewCallback method allows you to add an instance of SearchViewCallback. Interface methods allow you to react to events occurring in SearchLayout such as clearing the search box, completed search, etc.

searchLayout.addSearchViewCallback(object : SearchViewCallback {
    // Called when the search bar is cleared.
    override fun searchAborted() {
    // Called when the user selects an item in the issue, which is a DirectoryObject.
    override fun directoryObjectChosen(obj: DirectoryObject) {

    // Called when the search has been successfully completed and the result is the following DirectoryObject list.
    // The list can be empty.
    override fun searchCompletedSuccessfully(items: List<DirectoryObject>) {
    // Called when a search exception occurs.
    override fun searchCompletedWithException(message: String) {

    // Called when you click on the button to close the search. SearchLayout will be removed from the hierarchy
    // regardless of whether the method is implemented.
    override fun searchClosed() {

Both all and only the required methods can be implemented.

You can change the color scheme and some other parameters of SearchLayout by changing the theme attributes.

To change the style of the component, you must set the dgis_searchTheme attribute, which will point the style to the theme of your application.

    <style name="AppTheme" ...>
        <item name="dgis_searchTheme">@style/customSearchTheme</item>

Available attributes:

Имя аттрибута Описание
dgis_searchPrimaryBackgroundColor Main background color
dgis_searchSecondaryBackgroundColor Additional background color
dgis_searchIconTint Magnifier icon color
dgis_searchInputActiveTextColor Text color
dgis_searchInputTextSize Search box text size
dgis_searchResultTitleTextSize Text size in the search result header
dgis_searchResultAddressTextSize Text size in the search result subheading
dgis_searchResultDistanceTextSize Text size in object distance