Camera tracking mode.
Camera modes are degraded according to the following rules:
- Map shift sets to None the following events: DirectMapShiftEvent, MapShiftBeginEvent, DirectMapRotationEvent with the specified event center, DirectMapScalingEvent with the specified event center, ScaleMapEvent with the specified event center
- Rotation of the map relative to the position point blocks the publication of Bearing events: MapRotationBeginEvent, RotateMapToNorthEvent, DirectMapRotationEvent without event center
- Changing the scale relative to the position point blocks the publication of StyleZoom events: MapScalingBeginEvent, DirectMapScalingEvent without event center, ScaleMapEvent without event center
- Tilt locks the publication of Tilt events: DirectMapTiltEvent
CameraBehaviour(position: FollowPosition?, tilt: FollowTilt = FollowTilt.OFF)
Camera tracking mode.
Camera modes are degraded according to the following rules:
- Map shift sets to None the following events: DirectMapShiftEvent, MapShiftBeginEvent, DirectMapRotationEvent with the specified event center, DirectMapScalingEvent with the specified event center, ScaleMapEvent with the specified event center
- Rotation of the map relative to the position point blocks the publication of Bearing events: MapRotationBeginEvent, RotateMapToNorthEvent, DirectMapRotationEvent without event center
- Changing the scale relative to the position point blocks the publication of StyleZoom events: MapScalingBeginEvent, DirectMapScalingEvent without event center, ScaleMapEvent without event center
- Tilt locks the publication of Tilt events: DirectMapTiltEvent