Overview | Account | 2GIS Documentation


When working with Urbi products for business, you will interact with two auxiliary services:

  • Platform ID - a one-stop authentication service for users of Urbi products for business.
  • Platform Manager - a personal account for managing access to Urbi API (map, navigation, and search APIs).

The first step of working with Urbi products is creating a Platform ID account. You will see a corresponding dialog when you attempt to access a product for the first time.

Platform ID allows you to quickly log into Urbi products for business using the Single Sign-On (SSO) solution.


The one-stop authentication service (Platform ID) was released in January, 2025. If you created an account earlier, you do not need to update your credentials: the look of a login dialog is the only thing that has changed for you.

Platform ID

If you plan to work with Urbi map, navigation, and search APIs, you need an access key. Platform Manager allows you to create and manage access keys.

In the Platform Manager, you can:

  • Create a free demo key for using APIs: see the Access keys instruction.
  • View the list of created keys, available APIs, the limits set for them, and the lock date of the keys.
  • Check the statistics of request distribution for each key and service for any period: see the Statistics instruction.
  • Set restrictions for a key by HTTP headers, IP addresses, subnets, and applications.
  • Learn how different API settings work by using some services in the sandbox.