Directory | Mobile SDK | 2GIS Documentation


You can search for objects in the directory, get search suggestions and search results.

Typical scenarios of working with the directory:

You can run these scenarios by building a search query in multiple ways:

  • As a text query (fromQueryText() method) with different levels of precision: with a particular object name or with a category of interest.
  • By specifying an ID of a particular rubric (fromRubricIds() method), organization (fromOrgId() method), or building (fromBuildingId() method).
  • By specifying the coordinates of the search center (fromGeoPoint() method).

To search for objects in the directory, create a SearchManager object and call one of the methods that determines the directory operating mode:

An example of creating a search engine with an online directory:

let searchManager = SearchManager.createOnlineManager(context: sdk.context)

To search for objects in a certain area, create a SearchQuery object using SearchQueryBuilder and pass it to the search() method. Specify a search area restriction as a polygon using the setSpatialRestriction() method:

let query = SearchQueryBuilder.fromQueryText(queryText: "pizza").setPageSize(pageSize: 10).build()

To search for objects in the area of interest, create a SearchQuery object using SearchQueryBuilder and pass it to the search() method. Specify the coordinates of the rectangular area of ​​interest using the setAreaOfInterest() method:

let geoRect = GeoRect(
        southWestPoint: GeoPoint(latitude: 59.931, longitude: 30.344),
        northEastPoint: GeoPoint(latitude: 59.936, longitude: 30.351)
let searchQuery = SearchQueryBuilder
    .fromQueryText(queryText: "text")
    .setAreaOfInterest(rect: areaOfInterest)

To search for objects near a certain point, create a SearchQuery object using SearchQueryBuilder and pass it to the search() method. Specify the coordinates of the search center point using the setGeoPoint() method:

let searchQuery = SearchQueryBuilder
    .fromQueryText(queryText: "text")
    .setGeoPoint(geoPoint: GeoPoint(latitude: 59.936, longitude: 30.351))

To search for objects within a point radius, create a SearchQuery object using SearchQueryBuilder and pass it to the search() method. Specify the coordinates of the search center point using the setGeoPoint() method and the radius of the search area using the setRadius() method:

let searchQuery = SearchQueryBuilder
    .fromQueryText(queryText: "text")
    .setGeoPoint(geoPoint: GeoPoint(latitude: 59.936, longitude: 30.351))
    .setRadius(radius: Meter(value: 1000))

To search for objects by type, create a SearchQuery object using SearchQueryBuilder and pass it to the search() method. Specify the object type using the setAllowedResultTypes() method:

let searchQuery = SearchQueryBuilder
    .fromQueryText(queryText: "text")
    .setAllowedResultTypes(allowedResultTypes: [.building])

If the object ID in the directory is known, to get information about the object, use the searchById() method:

searchManager.searchById(id: id).sink { object in

The method returns a deferred result DirectoryObject.

Calling the search() method returns a deferred SearchResult, which contains a paginated list of found objects (DirectoryObject): query).sink{ searchResult in
    // Get the first object of the first page
    let directoryObjectTitle = searchResult.firstPage?.items?.first?.title ?? "NotFound"

To get the next page of search results, call the fetchNextPage()page method, which returns a deferred result Page:

firstPage?.fetchNextPage().sink{ nextPage in
    let directoryObject = nextPage?.items?.first

You can build suggestions when text searching for objects (see Suggest API). To do this, create a SuggestQuery object using SuggestQueryBuilder and pass it to the suggest() method:

let query = SuggestQueryBuilder.fromQueryText(queryText: "pizz").setLimit(limit: 10).build()

searchManager.suggest(query: query).sink{ suggestResult in
    // Get the first suggestion from the list
    let firstSuggestTitle = suggestResult.suggests.first ?? ""

The method returns a deferred SuggestResultб which contains a list of suggestions (Suggest).

You can search for addresses in the directory with the exact apartment or entrance number.

DgisObjectId contains two identifiers:

  • objectId - stable numeric identifier of the object.
  • entranceId - stable numeric identifier of the object entrance.

If the entranceId is non-zero, then the search result is not a building but a specific entrance.

If you need to draw a marker on a specific entrance or get its coordinates to calculate a route, do not use markerPosition. This property contains the position related to the marker of the building. To get the entrance position, use the information from entrances:

func getMarkerPosition(directoryObject: DirectoryObject) -> GeoPoint?
    let entranceId = ?? 0
    if (entranceId != 0)
        let info = directoryObject.buildingEntrances.first(where: {info in
   == entranceId})
        return info?.geometry?.entrancePoints.first ?? directoryObject.markerPosition?.point
    return directoryObject.markerPosition?.point