On-Premise | On‑Premise | 2GIS Documentation

On-Premise releases

Release date: 2024-11-07


Maps API
See the full list of changes since version 1.51.0 till version 1.53.0.
Maps API
(Floors API)
Enabled configuring custom certificates. See the customCAs settings group in the updated configuration file.
Navigation API
Enabled setting the following values:
  • Threshold value of memory usage that triggers cache cleanup: see the naviback.clearCacheThreshold parameter.
  • Time intervals between engine updates: see the naviback.clearCacheThreshold parameter.
For more details, see the values.yaml example on GitHub.

Release date: 2024-10-24


API Keys service
  • Added FreeRoam API service for the free navigation mode without routes.
  • Added the dispatcher worker to send audit logs to Kafka via the table and added the cleaner cron job to clean sent messages from the audit log table. See the values.yaml example on GitHub.
  • Added metrics for the number of created audit logs keys_audit_occurred_events_total and the number of audit logs sent to Kafka keys_audit_delivered_events_total.
Tiles API Added the region parameter to specify the region of the installation artifacts storage. See the dgctlStorage settings blocks in the updated configuration file.
Traffic API Proxy Enabled:
  • Configuring workers: see the worker settings group.
  • Configuring logging: see the log settings group.
  • Configuring keep-alive timeout: see the keepaliveTimeout parameter.
  • Add custom location and server blocks.
See the updated configuration file.
  • Added the api.settings.layerGeneration settings block and the isochroneLayerMaxPointsCount parameter to limit isochrones creating depending on the number of points in the layer.
  • Added the kafka.useReplicaTopics parameter for using topic replica if multiple Kafka clusters are created.
See the values.yaml example on GitHub.
CityLens Added the web.pgPoolSize parameter for configuring pool connection size. See the values.yaml example on GitHub.

Breaking changes and backward compatibility

Pro API Updated the configuration file structure:
  • Moved the name service parameter appName from the api.pod setting block to the api blocks group.
  • Moved the enableUserAssetsImporter and enableAssetsStreaming parameters to the api.settings.backgroundJobs settings block.
  • Renamed the permissionsApiKey parameter to apiKey and moved it to the permissions.setting.auth settings block.
See the values.yaml example on GitHub.

Bug fixes and enhancements

Pro API Added automatic creating of an empty layer group for new users if automatic registration is enabled.
  • Improved EXIF images validation and processing mechanism.
  • Added the App version field on frame cards in Frames dataset in Pro.

Release date: 2024-10-02


License service Added the region parameter to specify the region of the installation artifacts storage and the region of the License service states storage. See the dgctlStorage and the persistence settings blocks in the updated configuration file.
Navigation API Enabled configuring custom certificates for Navi-Castle, Navi-Back, Distance Matrix Async API, and Restrictions API. See the customCAs settings block in the updated configuration file (example for Navi-Castle).

Breaking changes and backward compatibility

MapGL JS API Renamed the following parameters:
See the updated configuration file.
Pro API Updated the configuration file structure:
  • Moved parameters related to the service configuring (e.g., resources, ingress) and license key parameter (licenseKey) from separate settings blocks to the api blocks group.
  • Moved parameters from the api settings block (e.g., serviceAccount, tempPath) to the separate blocks of the api group (e.g., api.service, api.settings).
  • Moved permissions parameters to the separate settings block (permissions).
  • Moved the data import job name parameter (appAssetImporterName) to the assetImporter settings block, and some parameters from the assetImporter settings block (e.g., maxParallelJobs) to the separate block (assetImporter.settings).
See the full list of moved parameters on GitHub, and the updated configuration file.

Bug fixes and enhancements

License service
CityLens Improved the frame uploading mechanism for the mobile app.

Release date: 2024-09-18


Maps API
See the full list of changes since version 1.50.1 till version 1.51.0.

Release date: 2024-09-11


Platform Manager Enabled uploading map styles created using the Style editor (Styles API must be installed). For a detailed instruction on uploading styles, see Installing maps API.
  • Added new pages to the Platform Manager interface: listing map styles and uploading style archive. To enable these pages, add map_styles to the list of values of the ui.pages parameter (see the values.yaml example on GitHub).
  • Enabled specifying a map style ID in the MapGL JS API sandbox to verify how the style looks before using it.
  • Added a new parameter ui.mapStyles.url to the Platform Manager configuration file to specify the styles API URL. See the values.yaml example on GitHub.
Maps API Added the Styles API service that enables convenient loading of customized map styles to the On-Premise environment. See the updated description of Maps API architecture and Styles API installation instruction.
Navigation API
  • Enabled support of barrier card IDs.
  • In the Isochrone API and the Distance Matrix API, renamed the mode parameter to transport (backward compatibility is provided).
  • In the Pairs Directions API and the Routing API, renamed car and pedestrian values of the transport parameter to driving and walking correspondingly (backward compatibility is provided).

Breaking changes and backward compatibility

Navigation API
(Distance Matrix Async API)
The s3.publicNetloc value now must contain a scheme: http:// or https://. See the values.yaml example on GitHub.

Bug fixes and enhancements

Navigation API
  • Improved the algorithm of selecting an intermediate part in routes with intermediate points.
  • Seasonal limitations are now considered when searching for a route on public transport with no timetable.
  • Cleaned up noise in logs.
  • Fixed the process of updating engines when terminating service operation.
  • Fixed prefix configuration issues when logging in the JSON mode.
  • Fixed an issue that changed the starting time of a route on public transport if a pedestrian part from the starting point to the metro was missing.
Navigation API
(Distance Matrix Async API)
Fixed issues with connecting to Apache Kafka using mTLS.

Release date: 2024-08-30


Maps API
Catalog APIs Enabled configuring the number of Search API connections. See the search.minConnections, search.maxConnections, and search.maxOpenRequests parameters in the values.yaml example on GitHub.
Search API Enabled configuring custom certificates. See the customCAs settings group in the updated configuration file.
  • Enabled uploading custom data using API.
  • Enabled uploading files with custom data in the .kml, .kmz, and .shp formats.
  • Enabled support of the Well-Known OpenID Configuration. See the auth.wellKnownConfigEndpoint parameter in the values.yaml example on GitHub.
  • Removed the appUserAssetImporterName parameter.
Pro UI
  • Enabled uploading custom data with attributes of the date type.
  • Enabled creating a colored legend for attributes of the text type.
Platform Manager Upgraded the minimum version of Node.js to 20.0.0.

Breaking changes and backward compatibility

Catalog APIs Updated integration with the license service:
  • Affected the backward compatibility with the On-Premise version 1.8.0 or lower.
  • To connect Catalog APIs to the license service, use the HTTPS protocol now: see the license.url parameter in the updated configuration file.
Pro UI Updated the configuration file structure: moved parameters related to deploy settings to separate groups from the ui settings group. See the full list of moved parameters on GitHub and the updated configuration file.

Bug fixes and enhancements

Platform Manager
  • Enabled automatic detection of a user locale when the user visits the main page.
  • Updated sandbox pages with links to corresponding service documentation.
  • Fixed an issue with a missing marker in the Geocoder API sandbox.
  • Fixed an issue with incorrect creation of a request address in the Geocoder API sandbox.

Release date: 2024-07-25


All services Added the revisionHistoryLimit parameter to configuration files for all services. See all files on GitHub.
Navigation API Enabled support for the free navigation mode without routes (free roam). To use this navigation type, add a corresponding rule to the rules.yaml file and install a separate Navi-Back entity. See installation instructions for navigation services.
Pro UI Changed configuration file parameters:
  • Replaced the appStylesImporterName parameter with stylesImporter.name.
  • Removed the stylesImporter.serviceAccount parameter.
See the full values.yaml example on GitHub.
MapGL JS API See the full list of changes since version 1.47.1 till version 1.49.0.

Breaking changes and backward compatibility

  • Added settings for a new worker: see the worker.dashboardBatchEvents parameter group in the full values.yaml example on GitHub.
  • Added new topics for Apache Kafka:
    • kafka.topics.proDrivers for synchronizing driver tracks with Urbi Pro
    • kafka.topics.tracksLifecycle for tracks lifecycle events
    See the updated configuration file.

Release date: 2024-06-27


Pro API Enabled using an existing Kubernetes service account: see the api.serviceAccountOverride parameter in the full values.yaml example on GitHub.

Release date: 2024-06-19


Mobile SDK Added architecture description and installation instructions for mobile SDK.
Floors API Removed the import.enabled parameter for managing import tasks. See the full values.yaml example on GitHub.
Pro UI
  • Enabled setting a timeout for API requests on the client and server side. See ui.api.timeout and ui.api.serverTimeout parameters in the full values.yaml example on GitHub.
  • Enabled customizing the browser tab title for an application using the Whitelabel Config.
CityLens Enabled configuring custom certificates. See the the customCAs settings group in the updated configuration file.
Administration Enabled changing the login of a manager (administrator who added a partner to the system) when editing the partner data.

Breaking changes and backward compatibility

Pro API Added integration with the License service:
  • Added mandatory licenseKey and license.url parameters.
  • Removed the api.licensePartner parameter.
See the updated configuration file.
CityLens Replaced the pro.url parameter with a combination of pro.baseUrl and pro.framesAssetId parameters to set a Pro API URL and a dataset for uploading frames respectively. See the updated configuration file.

Bug fixes and enhancements

License service Added the automountServiceAccountToken: true to the pod specification to set obligatory mounting of a directory with a Kubernetes certificate.
Pro API Fixed category naming in the firms and demand aggregations.
Pro UI Fixed tooltip display issues in the visualization settings.
  • Updated CamCom integration.
  • Improved logging.
Administration Fixed issues when popups could display unchanged data on the key page after the data was edited.

Release date: 2024-05-28


Pro UI
  • Enabled adding maps from external sources in the WMS/WMTS format. To enable this function, set the ui.externalStyleManager.enabled parameter to true. See the full values.yaml example on GitHub.
  • Enabled adding Mapbox tilesets as external map styles (internet access is required). To enable this function, get access to the mapbox_layout resource in the Permissions UI and pass a Mapbox access token to the ui.mapbox.styleToken parameter during Pro UI installation.
  • Removed the ui.mapgl.styleId parameter.
  • Updated the interface in Arabic: now all texts and interface elements are oriented right to left (RTL).
Tiles API Enabled managing the tries of creating import tasks: see the importer.retryInterval and importer.retryCount parameters in the full values.yaml example on GitHub.
License service Added instructions on advanced steps for getting a license for corner cases when the default way of getting a license is not available.

Bug fixes and enhancements

Pro UI
  • Update navigation in the Pro interface: moved tabs for working with data and layers and for accessing user account to the left-side menu.
  • Updated the shared access policy for layer groups: now a view-only link provides access to the layer group and external maps selected for it.
  • Fixed issues with displaying layer settings.
  • Fixed authorization issues.

Release date: 2024-05-06


  • Enabled support for multiple formats of an external map thumbnail: .jpg, .jpeg, .png, .bmp, .webp, and .heic.
  • Enabled configuring the process of copying and importing data during installation of a new version of the service: see the assetImporter.startOnDeployMode parameter in the full values.yaml example on GitHub.
Search API Enabled TLS support for connecting Catalog APIs to PostgreSQL: see the api.postgres.tls and importer.postgres.tls parameter groups in the full values.yaml example on GitHub.
Navigation API Updated the process of fetching installation artifacts for navigation services: now the --services=navi flag is used for fetching any navigation data (including road closures). Removed the --services=navi-restrictions value. See Updating navigation API services.

Breaking changes and backward compatibility

Pro API Added the kafka.eventsTopic.name and kafka.eventsTopic.readerGroupId parameters for configuring the event management topic. See the updated configuration file.
CityLens Removed the kafka.predictors parameter. Now predition topics are set using the kafka.topics.predictions parameter. See the updated configuration file.

Bug fixes and enhancements

Pro UI
  • Fixed the mechanism of language selection for error messages: now it consideres the language selected in the UI.
  • Improved texts in pop-up windows during confirmation of entities removal.
  • Improved logging of 401 and 403 code errors.
  • Fixed issues during saving Apache Kafka messages.
  • Improved the filtering mechanism: now when a firm is selected in a filter, its name is returned instead of the branch name.
API Keys service
  • Fixed display of a phone number when editing partner data.
  • Fixed display of the button that switches password visibility in the Safari browser.

Release date: 2024-04-02


API Keys service
Search API Updated the configuration file for installing the Catalog APIs:
  • Enabled configuring custom certificates using the customCAs settings.
  • Added new parameters to dgctlStorage settings for working with an S3 compatible storage of installation artifacts.
Navigation API Updated several parameters for installing Restrictions API:
  • Renamed the db settings block to postgres.
  • Added naviBackHost and naviCastleHost parameters.
  • Renamed the api.api_key parameter to api.key.
  • Renamed the cron.max_attributes_fetcher_rps parameter to cron.maxAttributesFetcherRps.
See the full list of pamateres on GitHub.
CityLens Updated the description of kafka.topic parameters: see the updated configuration file.

Breaking changes and backward compatibility

CityLens Renamed the worker.reporterProTracks.replicas parameter to worker.reporterProTracks.enabled. See the values.yaml example on GitHub.

Release date: 2024-03-20


API Keys service Enabled sending audit logs to Apache Kafka when a user is authenticated in the admin interface or a key is created in the admin interface. To use audit logs, enable the feature using featureFlags.enableAudit and configure message sending using kafka.audit (see the service Helm chart on GitHub).

Release date: 2024-03-18


Pro API Translated descriptions of system datasets into Arabic.
Pro UI
  • Added mandatory parameters to the configuration file for service installation (see the installation instruction):
    • dgctlStorage settings for working with the Installation Artifacts Storage
    • new parameters in the ui.mapgl settings group for managing map styles
  • Added optional parameters for service installation (see the full values.yaml on GitHub):
    • ui.auth.oAuthProvider parameter to work with authentication tools following oAuth and OpenID Connect standards
    • ui.whiteLabel settings to customize the application logo and favicons
    • stylesImporter settings to import styles
    • hpa settings to configure autoscaling

Breaking changes and backward compatibility

  • Integrated CityLens with the License service. See the updated installation instruction.
  • Renamed the api.auth.camcomToken parameter to api.auth.predictorsTokens.camcom.
  • Added a mandatory map.tileserverUrl parameter that specifies a server for obtaining raster tiles.
Navigation API Renamed several parameters for installing Navi-Router:
  • router.keyManagementService to keys
  • keyManagementService.host to keys.url
  • router.castleHost to router.castleUrl

Bug fixes and enhancements

Pro API Fixed issues with reading streaming datasets.

Release date: 2024-02-27


  • Enabled specifying region of the deployment artifacts storage and disabling playload signature in it. Additionally, updated the list of S3 bucket settings. See the updated [configuration file] (/en/on-premise/deployment/pro).
  • Changed the method of writing files to an S3 storage: now the Ceph client is used.
  • Pro UI
  • Enabled aggregating data for polygons: you can calculate the total quantity of objects and a maximum/minimum value of a specified metric.
  • Enabled customizing the Pro logo by using the Whitelabel Config.
  • MapGL JS API See the full list of changes since version 1.42.0 till version 1.45.1.
    Platform Manager Added documentation for the Platform Manager service: see the architecture description and installation instructions.
    CityLens Added documentation for the CityLens service: see the architecture description and installation instructions.

    Bug fixes and enhancements

    Pro API
  • Improved verification of user access rights for a project.
  • Fixed handling of requests for obtaining filers if duplicated attributes are passed.
  • Improved cashing of data filters (for uploaded and streaming datasets).
  • Fixed issues during data aggregation for layers with polygons.
  • Added information about territories to the system datasets.
  • Pro UI
  • Added a notification that requires refreshing the browser page if a user has been working with Pro for more than 5 days without refresh.
  • Removed limitations of the size of a created data sample.
  • Added information about the number of objects in each dataset to the dataset library.
  • Added information about the source layer to the tooltip that is displayed on hovering over the aggregated data visualization.
  • Fixed the search of firms in filters of various datasets.
  • Fixed issues in localized texts.
  • Release date: 2024-01-24


    License service
  • Added information on client and service licenses to the /status API.
  • Updated settings to access the Trusted Platform Module (TPM): now you do not need to configure the access to the TPM host via the tpm.securityContext parameter (see the updated configuration file).
  • Pro UI
  • Enabled uploading custom data.
  • Created the dataset library, which allows you to view, group, and manage datasets in a convenient way.
  • Added a field for searching and filtering datasets in the dataset library.
  • Enabled setting the default locale for the application using the APP_LOCALE environment variable. For example, if you set the variable to ar-AE, the application interface will be displayed in Arabic from the start.
  • Added basic information about a dataset (description, date of creation or update, number of objects), which is displayed when the dataset is opened and the territory to filter data is not selected yet.
  • Pro API
  • Added the interface for managing tariffs of Urbi Pro users.
  • Translated names of data filters to Arabic.
  • Bug fixes and enhancements

    Pro UI
  • Fixed behavior of clicking and hovering over point data visualized by icons.
  • Fixed an issue with adding a new layer to a group of layers when searching the dataset.
  • Pro API
  • Fixed import of files with large volume of data.
  • Improved the process of updating filters in streaming datasets: now changes are displayed right after the update.
  • Fixed verification of user rights to upload custom data.
  • Fixed the algorithm of defining the list of territories in a dataset based on the region.
  • Limited the access to prepared datasets: now only Firms and Buildings are available by default.
  • Removed the display of territories list in the prepared datasets.
  • Stopped cashing filters in streaming datasets if territories are not set.
  • Release date: 2023-12-29


    License service
  • Disabled support of Kubernetes Persistent Volume as a storage of the License service states. Now you can use an S3 compatible storage only (see the updated persistence settings in the configuration file).
  • Enabled configuring custom certificates using the customCAs settings in the configuration file.
  • Tiles API
  • Enabled configuring custom certificates using the customCAs settings in the configuration file.
  • Changed the method of configuring the Apache Cassandra CA certificate: use the new customCAs settings instead of the cassandra.ssl.caCrt parameter.
  • Breaking changes and backward compatibility

    License service Backward compatibility of the License service versions is affected. If you upgrade from On-Premise versions 1.9.1 or lower, you need to upgrade On-Premise to the 1.16.0 version first (to get the latest version of the License service) and then upgrade to the 1.17.0 version.
    Navigation API
  • Renamed the naviback.ecaHost parameter for defining the domain name of the Traffic API Proxy service. New parameter name is naviback.ecaUrl (see the updated Navi Back configuration file).
  • Renamed the naviback.castleHost parameter for specifying the domain name of the Navi-Castle service. New parameter naviback.castleUrl specifies the service URL (see the updated Navi Back configuration file).
  • Integrated Navi Back with the License service. See the updated installation instruction.
  • Bug fixes and enhancements

    Tiles API
  • Fixed an issue causing the requests to vector tiles return error 500 instead of 204 if a missing tileset is requested.
  • Fixed segment border tiles for Mapbox: now they are returned in full.
  • Navigation API Fixed issues with launching Navi Castle in cases when importing data takes too much time.

    Release date: 2023-12-12


    Pro UI Added translation of UI texts into Arabic language.
    Pro API
  • Added descriptions of prepared data assets in Russian and English languages.
  • Enabled display of "last updated" date for data sets and files.
  • Enabled deleting all data from streaming assets (for example, the Frames data set). To do this, send an object with ID = __delete_all_objects.
  • Enabled authorization using multiple API keys with different privileges.
  • Added a new dgctlStorage.secure: bool parameter to the configuration file to enable working with an S3 compatible storage via HTTPS.
  • MapGL JS API See the full list of changes since version 1.40.0 till version 1.42.0.
    Catalog API Enabled connecting to PostgreSQL via SSL.

    Breaking changes and backward compatibility

    Catalog API Backward compatibility of Catalog API data versions is affected. Upgrade the service to the version 1.16.0 to use the latest data. Changes are also described in GitHub.

    Bug fixes and enhancements

    Pro API
  • Improved the experience of searching for administrative objects using queries containing hint words (for example, "district" or "city) in Arabic language.
  • Improved the performance of search hints. Now if you select a street, a district, or a microdistrict from the hint list while searching for an object, a corresponding object is opened right away (only for Kingdom of Saudi Arabia projects).
  • Release date: 2023-12-01


    Navigation API
  • For Navi-Castle, added new parameters to dgctlStorage settings for working with an S3 compatible storage of installation artifacts and new init settings of data import during service start. See the updated configuration file.
  • Restrictions API artifacts can now be downloaded/updated using the --services parameter of DGCLI. See the command-line arguments reference.
  • Breaking changes and backward compatibility

    Navigation API Updated the names of router.keyManagementService.apis.* service tokens listed in the Navi-Router configuration. See the updated configuration file.

    Bug fixes and enhancements

    Navigation API
  • Added a new error message returned if Navi-Back fails to load a data package.
  • Added a new critical error message returned if Navi-Castle fails to load files from S3.
  • Release date: 2023-11-15


    Tiles API Added support for Mapbox API: /mapbox/{tileset}/{z}/{x}/{y}.mvt
    Pro UI
  • Upgraded Node.js to version 20.
  • Enabled adding point objects to the uploaded data manually and removing such objects from the uploaded data.
  • Pro API
  • Enabled updating filters for any uploaded dataseta using the PUT /asset/filters method.
  • Updated the dataset creation method with an optional asset_group_id parameter to specify the group to store the created dataset in.
  • Breaking changes and backward compatibility

    API Keys service Added mandatory dgctlStorage settings for working with the Installation Artifacts Storage. See the updated configuration file.

    Bug fixes and enhancements

    Pro UI Fixed issues related to editing a layer with filtered data.
    Pro API
  • Changed the response code returned when a client cancels a request: now a 2хх error is returned.
  • Fixed access issues that occurred while creating or deleting an object in uploaded datasets.
  • Changed the logic of granting access to territories upon user auto-registration.
  • Release date: 2023-10-25


    Navigation API Enabled Routing API features.
    Tiles API Added a new /wmts/WMTSCapabilities.xml endpoint to support WMTS data.
    MapGL JS API See the full list of changes since version 1.39.0 till version 1.40.0.
    Pro UI
  • Removed the ID attribute type from the attribute definition form of the uploaded asset.
  • Enabled visualization of camera markers upon selecting objects in the Frames asset.
  • Pro API
  • Enabled requesting metadata for uploaded assets.
  • Added a hint about the limited visualization of the Buildings asset as one layer in a project.
  • Enabled cloning a project from one user to another.
  • Enabled additional filtering by context when the Firms asset is imported.
  • Breaking changes and backward compatibility

    License service Backward compatibility of the License service versions is affected. If you upgrade from On-Premise versions 1.9.1 or lower, you need to update the License service before updating other services.

    Release date: 2023-10-13


    Navigation API
    (Distance Matrix
    Async API)
  • Enabled connecting to the PostgreSQL database using mTLS. Use the dm.tls parameter block in the Helm configuration file.
  • Enabled using non-public PostgreSQL schemas. Use the new dm.schema parameter in the Helm configuration file.
  • Bug fixes and enhancements

    Navigation API Now all Python code in the Docker images for Distance Matrix Async API is shipped as binaries.

    Release date: 2023-09-22


    Tiles API Enabled setting authorization parameters for working with Cassandra via environment variables.
    Floors API Added new parameters for working with an S3 compatible storage. See the installation instructions.
    Search API Added new parameters for working with an S3 compatible storage. See the installation instructions.

    Release date: 2023-09-06


    License service Added a new secure: bool parameter to the configuration file to enable working with an S3 compatible storage via HTTPS.
    Tiles API
  • Enabled loading immersive tiles. Use a new subtype: immersive parameters in the configuration file.
  • Added a new secure: bool parameter to the configuration file to enable working with an S3 compatible storage via HTTPS.
  • MapGL JS API See the full list of changes since version 1.38.1 till version 1.39.0.

    Release date: 2023-08-23


    Floors API Introduced support for Floors API that allows you display 3D floor plans on the map.
    License service Implemented a new process of obtaining a license.
    MapGL JS API See the full list of changes since version 1.36.1 till version 1.38.1.
    Search API Improved the search experience, in particular:
  • Extended the set of synonyms in the search data.
  • Improved handling of mistyped words.
  • Improved accuracy of the list of words used for object search.
  • Administration Updated instructions on managing user accounts with Keycloak.

    Breaking changes and backward compatibility

    License service Added new license.type and persistence parameters to the service configuration file.

    Bug fixes and enhancements

    Tiles API Fixed connection issues between the Tiles API server and Cassandra. Previously, after the Cassandra cluster was restarted and all IP addresses were changed, the Tiles API could not reconnect to Cassandra.

    Release date: 2022-12-06


    MapGL JS API See the full list of changes since version 1.30.0 till version 1.32.1.
    Places API /
    Geocoder API /
    Suggest API
  • Introduced support for PostgreSQL v14, PostgreSQL v11 is deprecated.
  • Introduced support for PostGIS v3.3, PostGIS v2.5 is deprecated.
  • Navigation APIs
  • Introduced support for Restrictions API.
  • Introduced support for Directions API emergency mode.
  • Introduced support for asynchronous requests to Distance Matrix Async API.
  • API Keys service Golang updated to v1.19.1.

    Release date: 2022-07-04


    GIS Platform
  • Added the portal.max_body_size setting to the Helm chart, allowing you to control the maximum size of a file that can be uploaded via Portal web UI.
  • Added the -k argument to the configure.sh configuration script, allowing you to skip the connection security verification when connecting via HTTPS.
  • Release date: 2022-04-05

    First release of On-Premise includes the following services:

    Maps A set of services that allow displaying 2GIS maps in web applications and websites.
    Search A set of services that allow searching and retrieving information on various objects such as organizations, buildings, public places, etc.
    Navigation A set of services that allow building routes and getting information about travel time and distance between points on the map.
    GIS Platform A web-based solution for working with geospatial layers and performing geo-analytical tasks.