Navigation API | On-Premise | 2GIS Documentation

Installing navigation API

Important note:

All passwords and keys in this section are given for illustration purposes.

During a real installation, it is recommended to use more complex and reliable passwords.

  1. Consider getting familiar with:

  2. Make sure the necessary preparation steps are completed:

    1. Preparation for installation
    2. Fetching installation artifacts
    3. Installing License service
    4. Installing API Keys service
    5. (Optional) Installing Traffic API Proxy
  3. Collect the necessary information that was set or retrieved on previous steps:

    Object Example value How to get value
    Docker Registry mirror endpoint See Fetching installation artifacts
    Kubernetes secret for accessing Docker Registry onpremise-registry-creds See Fetching installation artifacts
    Installation artifacts S3 storage domain name See Fetching installation artifacts
    Bucket name for installation artifacts onpremise-artifacts See Fetching installation artifacts
    Installation artifacts access key AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE See Fetching installation artifacts
    Installation artifacts secret key wJalrXUtnFEMIK7MDENGbPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY See Fetching installation artifacts
    Path to the manifest file manifests/1640661259.json See Fetching installation artifacts
    License service endpoint https://license See Installing License service
    API Keys service endpoint http://keys-api See Installing API Keys service
    Traffic API Proxy endpoint http://traffic-proxy See Installing Traffic API Proxy
    Service tokens* DIRECTIONS_TOKEN
    See Installing API Keys service

    * For illustration purposes, it is assumed that service tokens for all the navigation products are available.

  4. Determine which services you need to install:

    • Basic navigation APIs: Directions API, Distance Matrix API, Truck Directions API, Map Matching API, Isochrone API, and Public Transport API. For more information on these services, see the overview.
    • Distance Matrix Async API for processing large numbers of points. Can be installed separately or together with other APIs. For more information, see the service architecture.
    • Restrictions API for obtaining information about road closures. Installed together with other APIs. For more information, see the service architecture.
  5. Make sure that the resource requirements specified in the Helm charts are met:

    Service Required for which APIs
    Navi-Castle All
    Navi-Back All
    Navi-Router Basic APIs
    Navi-Front Basic APIs
    Navi-Restrictions Restrictions API
    Distance Matrix Async API Distance Matrix Async API

    For more information on check resource requirements, refer to the System requirements document.


    Contents of Helm charts described in this chapter are relevant for the latest On-Premise version (see Release notes). To find parameters for earlier versions, open the required values.yaml on GitHub and enter the required version number (for example, 1.18.0) in the tag switcher on the left.

  6. Choose domain names for the services.


    • Domain name for Navi-Front:
    • Domain name for Distance Matrix Async API:
    • Domain name for Restrictions API:

If you plan to install basic navigation APIs, configure a file storage for Navi-Castle. Choose a path where these files with data will be stored.

Example: /opt/castle/data

If you plan to install Distance Matrix Async API, additionally configure the following:

  1. PostgreSQL.

    1. Place a PostgreSQL cluster with the domain name in the private network. This instruction assumes that the cluster works on the standard port 5432.

    2. Connect to the cluster a superuser (usually postgres).

    3. Create a database user that will be used for the service. Set a password for the user.

      create user dbuser_navi_async_matrix password 'wNgJamrIym8UAcdX';
    4. Create a database owned by this user.

      create database onpremise_navi_async_matrix owner dbuser_navi_async_matrix;
  2. S3-compatible storage.

    1. Place an S3-compatible storage (e.g., Ceph) with the domain name in the private network. This instruction assumes that the storage works on the standard port 80.

    2. Create a user that will be used for the service. Remember the credentials for the user.


      • Access key: TRVR4ESNMDDSIXLB3ISV
      • Secret key: 6gejRs5fyRGKIFjwkiBDaowadGLtmWs2XjEH18YK
    3. Choose bucket names that will be used for the service.

      Example: navi-async-matrix-bucket

      Important note

      By default, the Distance Matrix Async API removes all files older than 14 days from the bucket.

  3. Apache Kafka message broker.

    1. Place a Apache Kafka storage with the domain name kafka.example.local in the private network. This instruction assumes that the storage works on the standard port 9092.

    2. Create a user that will be used for the service. Remember the credentials for the user.


      • Username: kafka-async-matrix
      • Password: 1Y2u3gGvi6VjNHUt

If you plan to install Restrictions API, additionally configure PostgreSQL:

  1. Place a PostgreSQL cluster with the domain name in the private network. This instruction assumes that the cluster works on the standard port 5432.

  2. Connect to the cluster a superuser (usually postgres).

  3. Create a database user that will be used for the service. Set a password for the user.

    create user dbuser_restrictions password 'jwbK65iFrCCcNrkg';
  4. Create a database owned by this user.

    create database onpremise_restrictions owner dbuser_restrictions;

Navi-Back uses rules file to specify the type of requests it can serve. This allows a Navi-Back instance to fetch and store a limited set of data from Navi-Castle that is sufficient to serve the specified type of requests.

Rules file is also used by the Navi-Router service to determine which of the several Navi-Back instances can process a request.

Create a rules.yaml file with a set of required rules. Copy only blocks required for your installation from the example below:

    # free navigation mode without a route
    - name: free-roam
      queries: ['free_roam']
      routing: []
      # car routes
    - name: directions-car # авто
      queries: ['routing']
      routing: ['driving']
      # pedestrian routes
    - name: directions-pedestrian
      queries: ['routing']
      routing: ['pedestrian']
      # bicycle routes
    - name: directions-bicycle
      queries: ['routing']
      routing: ['bicycle']
      # taxi routes
    - name: directions-taxi
      queries: ['routing']
      routing: ['taxi']
      # routes for emergency services
    - name: directions-emergency
      queries: ['routing']
      routing: ['emergency']
      # public transport routes
    - name: public-transport
      queries: ['public_transport']
      routing: ['public_transport']
      # truck routes
    - name: directions-truck
      queries: ['routing']
      routing: ['truck']
      # areas reachable by car
    - name: isochrone-car
      queries: ['get_hull']
      routing: ['driving']
      # distance matrix
    - name: distance-matrix
      queries: ['get_dist_matrix']
      routing: ['driving']
      # Distance Matrix Async API
    - name: async
      queries: ['routing']
      routing: ['driving']

Installing Navi-Castle is a prerequisite for any navigation API.

  1. Create a Helm configuration file. See here for more details on the available settings.

    The example is prefilled with the necessary data collected on previous steps.

    imagePullSecrets: [onpremise-registry-creds]
        bucket: onpremise-artifacts
        secretKey: wJalrXUtnFEMIK7MDENGbPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
        manifest: manifests/latest.json
        secure: false
        region: ''
            cpu: 1000m
            memory: 512Mi
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 128Mi
        enabled: false
        accessModes: [ReadWriteOnce]
        storageClass: ceph-csi-rbd
        size: 5Gi
        castleDataPath: /opt/castle/data/
            import: true
            import: '*/10 * * * *'
        concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
        successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 3
            import: true
            restriction: false
            restrictionImport: false
    replicaCount: 1
        bundle: ''
        # bundle: |
        #   -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        #   ...
        #   -----END CERTIFICATE-----
        certsPath: ''


    • dgctlDockerRegistry: your Docker Registry endpoint where On-Premise services' images reside.

    • dgctlStorage: Installation Artifacts Storage settings.

      • Fill in the common settings to access the storage: endpoint, bucket, and access credentials.
      • manifest: fill in the path to the manifest file in the manifests/latest.json format. This file contains the description of pieces of data that the service requires to operate. See Installation artifacts lifecycle.
      • secure: whether to use HTTPS for interacting with the S3-compatible storage. Default value: false.
      • region: S3 storage region.
    • resources: computational resources settings for the service. To find out recommended resource values, see Computational resources.

    • persistentVolume: settings of Kubernetes Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) that is used to store the service data.

      • enabled: flag that controls whether PVC is enabled. If PVC is disabled, a service's replica can lose its data.
      • accessModes: access mode for the PVC (default: none). Available modes are the same as for persistent volumes.
      • storageClass: storage class for the PVC.
      • size: storage size.

      Important note:

      Navi-Castle is deployed using StatefulSet. This means that every Navi-Castle replica will get its own dedicated Persistent Storage with the specified settings.

      For example, if you configure the size setting as 5Gi, then the total storage volume required for 3 replicas will be equal to 15Gi.

    • castle: Navi-Castle settings.

      • castleDataPath: path to the Navi-Castle data directory.
    • cron: the Kubernetes Cron Job settings. These setting are the same for all deployed Navi-Castle service's replicas. This job fetches actual data from Installation Artifacts Storage and updates the data on the Navi-Castle replica.

      • enabled.import, enabled.restriction: flags that control whether the jobs are enabled (default: false). If both jobs are disabled, no Navi-Castle replicas will get data updates.
      • schedule.import, schedule.restriction: schedules of the jobs in cron format.
      • concurrencyPolicy: the job concurrency policy.
      • successfulJobsHistoryLimit: a limit on how many completed jobs should be kept.
    • init: settings of data import during service start.

      • enabled.import: flag that controls whether data import is enabled. If the persistentVolume.enabled flag is disabled, old data will be lost during new import.
      • enabled.restriction, enabled.restrictionImport: flags that control whether Restrictions API or restrictions import is enabled respectively. These flags are incompatible with each other.
    • replicaCount: number of the Navi-Castle service replicas. Note that each replica's pod will get its own dedicated cron job to fetch the actual data from Installation Artifacts Storage.

    • customCAs: custom certificates settings.

      • bundle: text representation of a certificate in the X.509 PEM public-key format.
      • certsPath: bundle mount directory in the container.
  2. Deploy the service with Helm using the created values-castle.yaml configuration file.

    helm upgrade --install --version=1.29.0 --atomic --values ./values-castle.yaml navi-castle 2gis-on-premise/navi-castle

    On its first start, a Navi-Castle replica will fetch the data from Installation Artifacts Storage. After that, the data will be updated on schedule by the Cron Job.

  3. Test Navi-Castle deployment following the instruction now (recommended) on in the end of the installation procedure.

Installing Navi-Back is a prerequisite for any navigation API.

For each navigation type you need to install a separate Navi-Back entity. Perform the actions below for each navigation type to be installed:

  1. Create a Helm configuration file. See here for more details on the available settings. Name the file following the values-back-<service>.yaml pattern (for example, values-back-directions-car.yaml).

    The example is prefilled with the necessary data collected on previous steps.

        castleUrl: navi-castle.svc
        ecaUrl: traffic-proxy
        forecastHost: traffic-proxy
        appPort: 443
        app_rule: directions-car
            emergency: false
    replicaCount: 1
            cpu: 2000m
            memory: 16000Mi
            cpu: 1000m
            memory: 1024Mi
        url: 'https://license'
    # Only if you use Distance Matrix Async API
        enabled: true
        groupId: navi-back
            bootstrap.servers: kafka.example.local:9092
            security.protocol: SASL_PLAINTEXT
            sasl.mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-512
            sasl.username: kafka-async-matrix
            sasl.password: 1Y2u3gGvi6VjNHUt
            taskTopic: task_topic
            cancelTopic: cancel_topic
            statusTopic: status_topic
    # Only if you use Distance Matrix Async API
        enabled: true
        bucket: navi-async-matrix-bucket
        accessKey: TRVR4ESNMDDSIXLB3ISV
        secretKey: 6gejRs5fyRGKIFjwkiBDaowadGLtmWs2XjEH18YK
        bundle: ''
        # bundle: |
        #   -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        #   ...
        #   -----END CERTIFICATE-----
        certsPath: ''


    • dgctlDockerRegistry: your Docker Registry endpoint where On-Premise services' images reside.

    • naviback: Navi-Back service settings.

      • castleUrl: URL of Navi-Castle service. This URL should be accessible from all the pods within your Kubernetes cluster.

      • ecaUrl: domain name of the Traffic API Proxy service. This URL should be accessible from all the pods within your Kubernetes cluster.

      • forecastHost: URL of Traffic forecast service. See the Traffic API Proxy service. This URL should be accessible from all the pods within your Kubernetes cluster.

      • appPort: HTTP port for the Navi-Back service.

      • app_rule: name of the rule from the rules.yaml file for the navigation type to be installed.

      • simpleNetwork.emergency: enable support for emergency vehicle routes.

        Note that to be able to build such routes, you also need to add the emergency routing type to one of the projects in your rules.yaml file.

    • replicaCount: number of the Navi-Back service replicas.

    • resources: computational resources settings for the service. To find out recommended resource values, see Computational resources.

    • license: the License service settings.

      • url: License service URL address. Example: https://license.
    • kafka: access settings for the Apache Kafka broker for interacting with Distance Matrix Async API.

      • groupId: Navi-Back group identifier.

      • properties: parameters for accessing the Kafka server:


        This configuration file example describes the method of accessing the Kafka server using a login and a password. You can also configure SSL authentication or unauthenticated access: see comments on settings on GitHub.

        • bootstrap.servers: URL of the Kafka server.
        • sasl.username: Kafka user name.
        • sasl.password: password for the Kafka user.
      • distanceMatrix: names of the topics for interacting with Distance Matrix Async API.

        • taskTopic: name of the topic for receiving new tasks from Distance Matrix Async API.
        • cancelTopic: name of the topic for canceling or finishing tasks.
        • statusTopic: name of the topic for obtaining information on task status.
    • s3: access settings for the S3-compatible storage for interacting with Distance Matrix Async API.

      • host: endpoint of the S3-compatible storage.
      • bucket: bucket name for storing the request data.
      • accessKey: S3 access key.
      • secretKey: S3 secret key.
    • customCAs: custom certificates settings.

      • bundle: text representation of a certificate in the X.509 PEM public-key format.
      • certsPath: bundle mount directory in the container.
  2. Deploy the service with Helm using the created values-back-<service>.yaml configuration file.

    helm upgrade --install --version=1.29.0 --atomic --values ./rules.yaml --values ./values-back-<service>.yaml navi-back-<service> 2gis-on-premise/navi-back

    Example of the command for installing Directions API for car routes:

    helm upgrade --install --version=1.29.0 --atomic --values ./rules.yaml --values ./values-back-directions-car.yaml navi-back-directions-car 2gis-on-premise/navi-back
  3. Test Navi-Back deployment following the instruction now (recommended) on in the end of the installation procedure.

  4. Repeat steps above for the next navigation type.

Installing Navi-Router is a prerequisite for basic navigation APIs.

  1. Create a Helm configuration file. See here for more details on the available settings.

    The example is prefilled with the necessary data collected on previous steps.

        logLevel: Warning
        castleUrl: http://navi-castle.svc
        enabled: true
        url: http://keys-api/service/v1/keys
        refreshIntervalSec: 30
        downloadTimeoutSec: 30
            comboroutes-api: ''
            directions-api: ''
            distance-matrix-api: ''
            freeroam-api: ''
            isochrone-api: ''
            map-matching-api: ''
            pairs-directions-api: ''
            ppnot-api: ''
            public-transport-api: ''
            truck-directions-api: ''
            truck-distance-matrix-api: ''
    replicaCount: 2
            cpu: 2000m
            memory: 1024Mi
            cpu: 500m
            memory: 128Mi


    • dgctlDockerRegistry: your Docker Registry endpoint where On-Premise services' images reside.

    • router: Navi-Router service settings.

      • logLevel: logging level, default is Warning. Available levels: Verbose, Info, Warning, Error, Fatal.
      • castleUrl: URL of the Navi-Castle service. This URL must be accessible from all the pods within your Kubernetes cluster.
    • keys: API Keys settings. If this parameter is omitted, the API key verification step will be skipped.

      • enabled: whether API Keys usage is turned on.
      • url: URL of the API Keys service endpoint. This URL must be accessible from all the pods within your Kubernetes cluster.
      • refreshIntervalSec: interval between key updates in seconds.
      • downloadTimeoutSec: timeout of key downloading in seconds.
      • apis: service tokens for sharing usage statistics with the API Keys service (see Fetching the service tokens).
    • replicaCount: number of service replicas.

    • resources: computational resources settings for the service. To find out recommended resource values, see Computational resources.

  2. Deploy the service with Helm using the created values-router.yaml configuration file.

    helm upgrade --install --version=1.29.0 --atomic --values ./rules.yaml --values ./values-router.yaml navi-router 2gis-on-premise/navi-router
  3. Test Navi-Router deployment following the instruction now (recommended) on in the end of the installation procedure.

Installing Navi-Front is a prerequisite for basic navigation APIs.

  1. Create a Helm configuration file. See here for more details on the available settings.

    The example is prefilled with the necessary data collected on previous steps.

    replicaCount: 2
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 128Mi
            cpu: 100m
            memory: 128Mi
        enabled: true
        className: nginx
            - host:
                  - path: /
                    pathType: Prefix
        tls: []
        #- hosts:
        #  -
        #  secretName: secret.tls


    • dgctlDockerRegistry: your Docker Registry endpoint where On-Premise services' images reside.

    • replicaCount: number of service replicas.

    • resources: computational resources settings for the service. To find out recommended resource values, see Computational resources.

    • ingress: configuration of the Ingress resource. Adapt it to your Ingress installation. The URL specified in the parameter should be accessible from the outside of your Kubernetes cluster, so that users in the private network can browse the URL.

  2. Deploy the service with Helm using the created values-front.yaml configuration file.

    helm upgrade --install --version=1.29.0 --atomic --values ./values-front.yaml navi-front 2gis-on-premise/navi-front
  1. Create a Helm configuration file. See here for more details on the available settings.

    The example is prefilled with the necessary data collected on previous steps.

        citiesUrl: http://navi-castle/cities.conf
        bucket: navi-async-matrix-bucket
        accessKey: TRVR4ESNMDDSIXLB3ISV
        secretKey: 6gejRs5fyRGKIFjwkiBDaowadGLtmWs2XjEH18YK
        port: 5432
        name: onpremise_navi_async_matrix
        user: dbuser_navi_async_matrix
        password: wNgJamrIym8UAcdX
        schema: public
            enabled: false
            rootCert: ''
            cert: ''
            key: ''
            mode: verify-full
        groupId: navi_async
            bootstrap.servers: kafka.example.local:9092
            security.protocol: SASL_PLAINTEXT
            sasl.mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-512
            sasl.plain.username: kafka-async-matrix
            sasl.plain.password: 1Y2u3gGvi6VjNHUt
        statusTopic: status_topic
        cancelTopic: cancel_topic
        archiveTopic: archive_topic
            - topic: task_topic
              default: true
        url: http://keys-api/service/v1/keys
        enabled: true
        className: nginx
            - host:
                  - path: /
                    pathType: Prefix
        tls: []
        #- hosts:
        #  -
        #  secretName: secret.tls
        bundle: ''
        # bundle: |
        #   -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        #   ...
        #   -----END CERTIFICATE-----
        certsPath: ''


    • dgctlDockerRegistry: your Docker Registry endpoint where On-Premise services' images reside.

    • dm.citiesUrl: URL of the information about cities provided by the Navi-Castle service.

    • s3: access settings for the S3-compatible storage.

      • host: endpoint of the S3-compatible storage.
      • bucket: bucket name for storing the request data. By default, the Distance Matrix Async API removes all files older than 14 days from the bucket.
      • accessKey: S3 access key.
      • secretKey: S3 secret key.
    • db: access settings for the PostgreSQL server.

      • host: hostname or IP address of the PostgreSQL server.

      • port: listening port of the PostgreSQL server.

      • name: database name.

      • user and password: credentials for accessing the database specified in the name setting. The user must be the owner of this database or a superuser.

      • schema: PostgreSQL schema to use. Default value is public.

      • tls: settings for the mTLS connection to the database:

        • enabled: whether mTLS connection to a PostgreSQL server is enabled.

        • rootCert: root certificate file.

        • cert: certificate of the PostgreSQL server.

        • key: key of the PostgreSQL server.

        • mode: level of protection, one of the following:

          • verify-full (recommended): eavesdropping and MITM protection.
          • verify-ca: eavesdropping protection is implemented, MITM protection depends on the CA policy.
          • require: eavesdropping protection is implemented.
          • prefer: eavesdropping protection is possible if supported by the server.
          • allow: eavesdropping protection is possible if required by the server.
          • disable: no protection.
    • kafka: access settings for the Apache Kafka broker.

      • groupId: Distance Matrix Async API group identifier.

      • properties: parameters for accessing the Kafka server:


        This configuration file example describes the method of accessing the Kafka server using a login and a password. You can also configure SSL authentication or unauthenticated access: see comments on settings on GitHub.

        • bootstrap.servers: URL of the Kafka server.
        • sasl.plain.username: Kafka user name.
      • sensitiveProperties.sasl.plain.password: password for the Kafka user.

      • statusTopic: name of the topic for obtaining information on task status.

      • cancelTopic: name of the topic for canceling or obtaining information about finished tasks.

      • topicRules: information about the topics that Distance Matrix Async API will use to send the requests. Defined as a list where each element must have two parameters:

        • topic: name of the topic.

        • projects or default: parameters that define which requests to send to the topic.

          Distance Matrix Async API sends requests to different topics based on their projects. For each topic other than the default one, the projects setting must be defined containing a list of projects (see rules file). For the default topic, the default: true setting must be defined. The default topic will be used to send the requests related to the projects not listed in any other topic's projects.

          The configuration must contain one and only one topic with default: true.

    • keys: the API Keys service settings.

      • url: URL of the service. This URL should be accessible from all the pods within your Kubernetes cluster.
      • token: service token (see Installing API Keys service).
    • ingress: configuration of the Ingress resource. Adapt it to your Ingress installation. The URL specified in the parameter should be accessible from the outside of your Kubernetes cluster, so that users in the private network can browse the URL.

    • customCAs: custom certificates settings.

      • bundle: text representation of a certificate in the X.509 PEM public-key format.
      • certsPath: bundle mount directory in the container.
  2. Deploy the service with Helm using the created values-navi-async-matrix.yaml configuration file.

    helm upgrade --install --version=1.29.0 --atomic --values ./values-navi-async-matrix.yaml navi-async-matrix 2gis-on-premise/navi-async-matrix
  1. Create a Helm configuration file. See here for more details on the available settings.

    The example is prefilled with the necessary data collected on previous steps.

    imagePullSecrets: [onpremise-registry-creds]
    naviBackHost: 'navi-back-directions-car'
    naviCastleHost: 'navi-castle'
        port: 5432
        name: onpremise_restrictions
        user: dbuser_restrictions
        password: jwbK65iFrCCcNrkg
        key: ''
            enabled: true
            className: nginx
                - host:
                      - path: /
                        pathType: Prefix
            tls: []
            #- hosts:
            #  -
            #  secretName: secret.tls
        enabled: true
        schedule: '1 * * * *'
        concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
        successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 1
            - moscow
        maxAttributesFetcherRps: 25
        bundle: ''
        # bundle: |
        #   -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        #   ...
        #   -----END CERTIFICATE-----
        certsPath: ''


    • dgctlDockerRegistry: your Docker Registry endpoint where On-Premise services' images reside.

    • naviBackHost: host name of any Navi-Back service deployed.

    • naviCastleHost: host name of Navi-Castle.

    • postgres: access settings for the PostgreSQL server.

      • host: hostname or IP address of the PostgreSQL server.
      • port: listening port of the PostgreSQL server.
      • name: database name.
      • user and password: credentials for accessing the database specified in the name setting. The user must be the owner of this database or a superuser.
    • api: API service settings.

      • key: key that will be used to interact with Navigation services. The value of this setting must match the value of the restrictions.key setting of the Navi-Castle service.
      • ingress: configuration of the Ingress resource. Adapt it to your Ingress installation. The URL specified in the parameter should be accessible from the outside of your Kubernetes cluster, so that users in the private network can browse the URL.
    • cron: settings for retrieving information from Navigation services.

      • projects: list of Navi-Back projects (see Rules file).
      • maxAttributesFetcherRps: maximum amount of requests to edgeAttributesUrlTemplate per second.
    • customCAs: custom certificates settings.

      • bundle: text representation of a certificate in the X.509 PEM public-key format.
      • certsPath: bundle mount directory in the container.
  2. Deploy the service with Helm using the created values-restrictions.yaml configuration file:

    helm upgrade --install --version=1.29.0 --atomic --wait-for-jobs --values ./values-restrictions.yaml navi-restrictions 2gis-on-premise/navi-restrictions
  3. Edit castle.restrictions and cron settings in the Navi-Castle configuration file as follows:

            key: secret
            host: http://navi-restrictions.example.local
            import: true
            restriction: true
            import: '*/10 * * * *'
            restriction: '*/10 * * * *'
        concurrencyPolicy: Forbid
        successfulJobsHistoryLimit: 3


    • castle: Navi-Castle configuration.

      • restrictions.key: key that will be used to interact with the Restrictions API service. An arbitrary string.
      • URL of the Restrictions API service. This URL should be accessible from all the pods within your Kubernetes cluster.
    • cron.schedule: the (Kubernetes Cron Job) settings. These settings are the same for all deployed Navi-Castle service's replicas. This job fetches actual data from Installation Artifacts Storage and updates the data on the Navi-Castle replica.

      • enabled.import, enabled.restriction: flags that control whether the jobs are enabled (default: false). If both jobs are disabled, no Navi-Castle replicas will get data updates.
      • schedule.import, schedule.restriction: schedules of the jobs in cron format.
  4. Update the Navi-Castle service using the edited values-castle.yaml configuration file:

    helm upgrade --install --version=1.29.0 --atomic --values ./values-castle.yaml navi-castle 2gis-on-premise/navi-castle

To test that the Navi-Castle service is working, you can do the following:

  1. Port forward the service using kubectl:

    kubectl port-forward navi-castle-0 7777:8080
  2. Send a GET request to the root endpoint (/) using cURL or a similar tool:

    curl -Lv http://localhost:7777/

    You should receive an HTML listing of all files and folders similar to the following:

            <title>Index of /</title>
            <h1>Index of /</h1>
            <hr />
                <a href="../">../</a>
                <a href="lost%2Bfound/">lost+found/</a>          09-Mar-2022 13:33        -
                <a href="packages/">packages/</a>                09-Mar-2022 13:33        -
                <a href="index.json">index.json</a>              09-Mar-2022 13:33      634
                <a href=""></a>      09-Mar-2022 13:33      357
            <hr />

To test that the Navi-Back instance is working, you can do the following:

  1. Port forward the service using kubectl:

    kubectl port-forward service/navi-back-<service> 7777:8080

    Where navi-back-<service> is the instance name that you specified during Navi-Back installation (for example, navi-back-directions-car).

  2. Create the data.json file containing the body of a navigation API request. You can find request examples in the documentation for navigation services:

    Testing of the Distance Matrix Async API is described below.

    The example below contains a request to Directions API for building a car route (the example is valid for Moscow):


        "alternative": 1,
        "locale": "en",
        "point_a_name": "start",
        "point_b_name": "finish",
        "type": "jam",
        "points": [
                "start": true,
                "type": "walking",
                "x": 37.616489,
                "y": 55.751225
                "start": false,
                "type": "walking",
                "x": 37.418451,
                "y": 55.68355
  3. Send the request using cURL or a similar tool (example for Directions API):

    curl -Lv -d @data.json

    You should receive a response with the following structure (example for Directions API):

      "query": {..},
      "result": [{..}, {..}]
      "type": "result"

    You can find response examples for other services in their documentation.

Sending a request to the service requires an API key generated using the API Keys service. For more information, see Keys and tokens.

To test that the Navi-Router service is working, you can do the following:

  1. Port forward the service using kubectl:

    kubectl port-forward navi-router-6864944c7-vrpns 7777:8080
  2. Create a data.json file containing the body of a service request, identical to the file from Testing the deployment of Navi-Back.

  3. Send the request using cURL or a similar tool (example for Directions API):

    curl -Lv -d @data.json

    Where API_KEY is your API key to access navigation services.

    You should receive a response containing the rule name:


Sending a request to the service requires an API key generated using the API Keys service. For more information, see Keys and tokens.

To test that the Navi-Front service is working, you can do the following:

  1. Create a data.json file containing the body of a service request, identical to the file from Testing the deployment of Navi-Back.

  2. Send the request using cURL or a similar tool:

    curl -Lv -d @data.json

    Where API_KEY is your API key to access navigation services.

    You should receive a response with the following structure:

      "query": {..},
      "result": [{..}, {..}]
      "type": "result"

Sending a request to the service requires an API key generated using the API Keys service. For more information, see Keys and tokens.

To test that the Distance Matrix Async API service is working, you can do the following:

  1. Create a data.json file containing the body of the request (the example is valid for Moscow):

        "points": [
                "lon": 37.573289,
                "lat": 55.699926
                "lon": 37.614402,
                "lat": 55.706847
                "lon": 37.552182,
                "lat": 55.675928
                "lon": 37.620315,
                "lat": 55.669625
        "sources": [0, 1],
        "targets": [2, 3]
  2. Send the request using cURL or a similar tool:

    curl -Lv --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @data.json

    Where API_KEY is your API key to access navigation services.

    You should receive a response with the following structure:

        "task_id": "{TASK_ID}",
        "message": "success add task",
        "status ": "success"
  3. Request the task status using the TASK_ID parameter received on the previous step.

    curl -Lv{TASK_ID}

    Perform the request multiple times if necessary, while the task is running. Eventually, you should receive a response with the following structure:

        "task_id": "{TASK_ID}",
        "status": "TASK_DONE",
        "code": 200,
        "message": "1670066296399691644\ncalc_time_ms=485\nattract_time=21\nbuild_time=58\npoints_count=4\nsource_count=2\ntarget_count=2",
        "result_link": "{TASK_ID}.response.json"
  4. Download the calculation results using the URL received in the result_link field on the previous step. Make sure that the result is a valid JSON file. Example:

        "generation_time": 94.0,
        "routes": [
        "status": "OK",
        "source_id": 0,
        "target_id": 2,
        "distance": 7996,
        "duration": 728,
        "reliability": 1.0
        "attract_time": 21.0,
        "build_matrix_time": 58.0

To test that the Restrictions API service is working, you can do the following:

  1. Create a data.json file containing the body of the request (the example is valid for Moscow):

        "start_time": "2022-07-03T20:30:00.000Z",
        "end_time": "2029-08-28T23:59:00.000Z",
        "lat": 55.75291,
        "lon": 37.6113,
        "is_whole_road": false
  2. Send the request using cURL or a similar tool:

    curl -Lv http://navi-restrictions:7777/points/ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' -d @data.json

    You should receive a response with the following structure:

            "edge_geometry": "LINESTRING(37.610827 55.752269, 37.610958 55.752424, 37.611215 55.752690, 37.611287 55.752790, 37.611356
            55.752894, 37.611798 55.753816)",
            "restriction_id": "{RESTRICTION_ID}",
            "start_time": "2022-07-05T14:13:35.936000+00:00",
            "end_time": "2029-08-28T23:59:00+00:00",
            "is_2gis": false
  3. Verify that the road closure has appeared in the system:

    curl -Lv http://navi-restrictions:7777/restrictions/
  4. Remove the closure:

    curl --request "DELETE" http://navi-restrictions:7777/restrictions/{RESTRICTION_ID}

    Where {RESTRICTION_ID} is the value of the restriction_id field from the request response obtained on step 2.

What's next?