POST /truck/6.0.0/global
OpenAPI Specification
2GIS Navigation API (6.0.0)
Building a route for a truck
Truck Directions API allows you to build a truck route.
query Parameters
key required | string Developer API key |
Request Body schema: */*
Request parameters
required | Array of objects (RequestPoint) |
integer or null <long> Date and time to use instead of the current date and time. Specified as Unix time. | |
integer or null Default: 1 Number of alternative routes to be built in addition to the main route | |
Locale (string) or null | |
string or null Start point name | |
string or null End point name | |
TruckRequestType (string) or null | |
Array of RequestOption (strings) or RequestOption (string) or null | |
Array of RequestFilter (strings) or RequestFilter (string) or null | |
boolean or null If true, the route may include driving on closed roads. | |
OutputType (string) or null | |
Array of objects (ExcludeObject) An array of areas to avoid when building a route. Not more than 25 areas. | |
boolean or null If true, an indoor route will be included in the result (for pedestrian routes). | |
boolean or null If true, altitude information will be included in the response. | |
Array of HardFilter (strings) or HardFilter (string) or null | |
number or null Average speed limit, km/h | |
TruckParams (object) or null | |
Array of integers or null Identifier of a pass for a zone (array of numbers). |
Response Schema: application/json
type required | string (schemas) Enum: "result" "error" Response type:
required | object (schemas) Truck DirectionsAPI query. |
required | Array of objects (TruckResultItem) |
string or null Error message |
Response samples
- 200
Content type
{- "type": "result",
- "query": {
- "alternative": 0,
- "exclude": [
- {
- "extent": 100,
- "points": [
- {
- "x": 82.03057,
- "y": 54.043207
], - "severity": "hard",
- "type": "point"
}, - {
- "extent": 1000,
- "points": [
- {
- "x": 82.13057,
- "y": 54.143207
}, - {
- "x": 82.23057,
- "y": 54.243207
], - "severity": "soft",
- "type": "polyline"
], - "locale": "ru",
- "need_altitudes": true,
- "point_a_name": "Source",
- "point_b_name": "Target",
- "points": [
- {
- "start": true,
- "type": "walking",
- "x": 82.93057,
- "y": 54.943207
}, - {
- "object_id": "141476222741292",
- "start": false,
- "type": "walking",
- "x": 82.945039,
- "y": 55.033879
], - "type": "jam"
}, - "message": "string",
- "result": [
- {
- "algorithm": "с учётом пробок",
- "altitudes_info": {
- "elevation_gain": 10690,
- "elevation_loss": 9570,
- "max_altitude": 10900,
- "max_road_angle": 4,
- "min_altitude": 7100
}, - "begin_pedestrian_path": {
- "geometry": {
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.930569 54.943206, 82.930674 54.943273, 82.930683 54.943330, 82.930723 54.943655)"
}, - "end_pedestrian_path": {
- "geometry": {
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.945324 55.033714, 82.945039 55.033878)"
}, - "filter_road_types": [
- "dirt_road",
- "highway"
], - "id": "7669814625906049348",
- "maneuvers": [
- {
- "comment": "Source",
- "icon": "start",
- "id": "18243427438627852119",
- "outcoming_path": {
- "distance": 13,
- "duration": 4,
- "geometry": [
- {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(1, -1)",
- "color": "ignore",
- "length": 22,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.930722 54.943655 9200, 82.930815 54.943650 9220, 82.930926 54.943640 9190)",
- "style": "normal"
], - "names": [ ]
}, - "outcoming_path_comment": "10 м прямо",
- "type": "begin"
}, - {
- "comment": "Поворот направо на ул. Петухова",
- "icon": "crossroad_right",
- "id": "11013427180351570021",
- "outcoming_path": {
- "distance": 379,
- "duration": 105,
- "geometry": [
- {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0, 0, 0, -1, 2, 0, 2, 0)",
- "color": "ignore",
- "length": 664,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.930926 54.943640 9190, 82.930583 54.941787 9100, 82.930465 54.941540 9100, 82.930236 54.941063 9100, 82.930136 54.940856 9000, 82.930100 54.940663 9100, 82.930078 54.940539 9100, 82.930052 54.940402 9200, 82.930025 54.940258 9200)",
- "style": "normal"
], - "names": [
- "Петухова"
}, - "outcoming_path_comment": "400 м прямо",
- "turn_angle": 90,
- "turn_direction": "right",
- "type": "crossroad"
}, - {
- "comment": "Поворот направо на ул. Петухова",
- "icon": "crossroad_right",
- "id": "10486992078115446896",
- "outcoming_path": {
- "distance": 1994,
- "duration": 277,
- "geometry": [
- {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0, 0)",
- "color": "normal",
- "length": 429,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.930025 54.940258 9200, 82.928138 54.940373 9300, 82.926186 54.940493 9300)",
- "style": "normal"
}, - {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0, 0, 0)",
- "color": "fast",
- "length": 1187,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.926186 54.940493 9300, 82.924954 54.940569 9200, 82.921280 54.940795 9300, 82.915576 54.941144 9300)",
- "style": "normal"
}, - {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, -2, -1, -1)",
- "color": "normal",
- "length": 1859,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.915576 54.941144 9300, 82.912266 54.941348 9400, 82.911671 54.941384 9400, 82.910257 54.941467 9300, 82.909929 54.941486 9300, 82.909701 54.941500 9300, 82.906981 54.941660 9300, 82.906201 54.941706 9200, 82.905744 54.941733 9300, 82.905333 54.941756 9300, 82.904902 54.941782 9300, 82.903372 54.941872 9200, 82.900358 54.942049 9200, 82.899235 54.942115 9050, 82.899188 54.942122 9040, 82.899160 54.942127 9040, 82.899139 54.942134 9030, 82.899067 54.942161 9020, 82.898999 54.942195 9000)",
- "style": "normal"
], - "names": [
- "Петухова"
}, - "outcoming_path_comment": "2 км прямо",
- "turn_angle": 90,
- "turn_direction": "right",
- "type": "crossroad"
}, - {
- "comment": "Круговое движение 1 съезд на ул. Сибиряков-Гвардейцев",
- "icon": "ringroad_right_90",
- "id": "851511220966961902",
- "outcoming_path": {
- "distance": 51,
- "duration": 8,
- "geometry": [
- {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0, 0)",
- "color": "normal",
- "length": 77,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.898999 54.942195 9000, 82.898909 54.942245 9000, 82.898528 54.942490 9000)",
- "style": "normal"
}, - {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0)",
- "color": "slow",
- "length": 12,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.898528 54.942490 9000, 82.898459 54.942541 9000)",
- "style": "normal"
], - "names": [
- "Сибиряков-Гвардейцев"
}, - "outcoming_path_comment": "50 м прямо",
- "ringroad_exit_number": 1,
- "turn_angle": 85,
- "type": "ringroad"
}, - {
- "comment": "1 съезд на ул. Сибиряков-Гвардейцев",
- "icon": "ringroad_exit",
- "id": "14676290839728035649",
- "outcoming_path": {
- "distance": 3362,
- "duration": 1003,
- "geometry": [
- {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(-1, 1, -3, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)",
- "color": "normal",
- "length": 1612,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.898459 54.942541 9000, 82.898244 54.942830 8930, 82.898200 54.942942 8980, 82.898201 54.943002 8910, 82.898262 54.943334 8990, 82.898377 54.943951 9000, 82.898464 54.944420 9000, 82.898559 54.944929 9100, 82.898566 54.944970 9100, 82.898621 54.945264 9100, 82.898826 54.946367 9100, 82.898880 54.946660 9100, 82.899129 54.947999 9100, 82.899191 54.948340 9100, 82.899317 54.949033 9200, 82.899432 54.949667 9100, 82.899636 54.950791 9000)",
- "style": "normal"
}, - {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)",
- "color": "slow",
- "length": 592,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.899636 54.950791 9000, 82.899655 54.950896 9000, 82.899703 54.951160 9100, 82.899833 54.951878 9100, 82.900024 54.952928 9000, 82.900061 54.953134 9000, 82.900129 54.953510 9000, 82.900188 54.953833 9000)",
- "style": "normal"
}, - {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0)",
- "color": "slow",
- "length": 640,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.900188 54.953833 9000, 82.900785 54.957119 9100)",
- "style": "bridge"
}, - {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(-1, 0, 0, 0)",
- "color": "slow",
- "length": 782,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.900785 54.957119 9100, 82.900961 54.958091 8800, 82.901020 54.958416 8800, 82.901130 54.959019 8800, 82.901513 54.961132 8900)",
- "style": "normal"
}, - {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 1, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -2, -1, 0, -1, -2, -1, -1, 0, -1)",
- "color": "normal",
- "length": 1490,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.901513 54.961132 8900, 82.901706 54.962233 9000, 82.901835 54.963070 9000, 82.901841 54.963178 9000, 82.901852 54.963356 9000, 82.901863 54.963549 9000, 82.901858 54.963951 8800, 82.901857 54.964038 8800, 82.901856 54.964175 8830, 82.901847 54.964248 8810, 82.901835 54.964305 8800, 82.901811 54.964361 8800, 82.901781 54.964416 8800, 82.901743 54.964460 8800, 82.901720 54.964477 8800, 82.901582 54.964595 8700, 82.901292 54.964839 8600, 82.901212 54.964928 8600, 82.901144 54.965020 8560, 82.901110 54.965101 8500, 82.900661 54.966159 8300, 82.899766 54.968249 7900, 82.899753 54.968281 7900, 82.899612 54.968592 7820)",
- "style": "normal"
}, - {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0)",
- "color": "normal",
- "length": 159,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.899612 54.968592 7820, 82.899251 54.969390 7700)",
- "style": "bridge"
}, - {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0, 0, 1, 1, 2)",
- "color": "slow",
- "length": 613,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.899251 54.969390 7700, 82.899077 54.969776 7700, 82.898973 54.969991 7700, 82.898319 54.971347 8000, 82.897895 54.972234 8370, 82.897809 54.972443 8500)",
- "style": "normal"
], - "names": [
- "Сибиряков-Гвардейцев"
}, - "outcoming_path_comment": "3.4 км прямо",
- "type": "ringroad_exit"
}, - {
- "comment": "Поворот направо на ул. Немировича-Данченко",
- "icon": "crossroad_right",
- "id": "11682105410583176895",
- "outcoming_path": {
- "distance": 5061,
- "duration": 691,
- "geometry": [
- {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, -9, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 2, 0)",
- "color": "normal",
- "length": 2127,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.897809 54.972443 8500, 82.898829 54.972499 8400, 82.900354 54.972583 8300, 82.900957 54.972641 8300, 82.901459 54.972724 8300, 82.901687 54.972776 8300, 82.901805 54.972802 8300, 82.902070 54.972866 8300, 82.902352 54.972934 8300, 82.902742 54.973054 8300, 82.902878 54.973106 8300, 82.903144 54.973208 8400, 82.903329 54.973292 8400, 82.904142 54.973715 8500, 82.904177 54.973735 8410, 82.904758 54.974059 8560, 82.904768 54.974065 8560, 82.905027 54.974224 8600, 82.905304 54.974386 8700, 82.906234 54.974925 8800, 82.906387 54.975013 8900, 82.906859 54.975293 8900, 82.907441 54.975639 8900, 82.907556 54.975707 8900, 82.908610 54.976333 9000, 82.908634 54.976348 9000, 82.908776 54.976432 9000, 82.909484 54.976852 9100, 82.909830 54.977057 9100, 82.911098 54.977810 9300, 82.911621 54.978121 9300, 82.911976 54.978406 9400, 82.912040 54.978457 9430, 82.912263 54.978700 9600, 82.912374 54.978850 9600)",
- "style": "normal"
}, - {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(1, 1, 0, 2, 1, 1, 0, 1)",
- "color": "fast",
- "length": 555,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.912374 54.978850 9600, 82.912446 54.978948 9640, 82.912616 54.979236 9750, 82.912757 54.979544 9800, 82.912836 54.979714 9890, 82.912937 54.980012 9950, 82.912993 54.980278 10000, 82.913085 54.980875 10100, 82.913187 54.981662 10300)",
- "style": "normal"
}, - {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 3, -13, -1, 0, -2, -1, -1, -1, -1, -2, -2, -1, -1, -2, -1, -1, -1, 0)",
- "color": "normal",
- "length": 3912,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.913187 54.981662 10300, 82.913385 54.983182 10500, 82.913529 54.984291 10700, 82.913654 54.985256 10800, 82.913802 54.986392 10900, 82.913810 54.986567 10900, 82.913848 54.987370 10800, 82.913853 54.987456 10800, 82.913853 54.987718 10700, 82.913851 54.987888 10700, 82.913845 54.988424 10700, 82.913840 54.988645 10600, 82.913830 54.989035 10600, 82.913825 54.989268 10500, 82.913808 54.989959 10400, 82.913790 54.990660 10300, 82.913781 54.990801 10300, 82.913765 54.991034 10300, 82.913759 54.991128 10300, 82.913740 54.991412 10200, 82.913735 54.991507 10300, 82.913733 54.991530 10200, 82.913720 54.992005 10090, 82.913716 54.992139 10090, 82.913710 54.992257 10030, 82.913711 54.992323 10000, 82.913767 54.992555 9910, 82.913844 54.992770 9810, 82.913859 54.992803 9800, 82.913932 54.992969 9680, 82.914074 54.993217 9500, 82.914234 54.993454 9380, 82.914402 54.993648 9300, 82.914589 54.993842 9150, 82.914780 54.994009 9060, 82.915048 54.994230 8950, 82.918362 54.996469 7700, 82.923404 54.999877 7800)",
- "style": "normal"
}, - {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0, 0, 0, 0, 1)",
- "color": "fast",
- "length": 2271,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.923404 54.999877 7800, 82.927740 55.002808 8200, 82.932077 55.005738 8300, 82.936124 55.008473 8660, 82.936407 55.008677 8650, 82.936590 55.008808 8700)",
- "style": "bridge"
], - "names": [
- "Немировича-Данченко"
}, - "outcoming_path_comment": "5.1 км прямо",
- "turn_angle": 100,
- "turn_direction": "right",
- "type": "crossroad"
}, - {
- "comment": "Плавный поворот направо на ул. Большевистская",
- "icon": "crossroad_slightly_right",
- "id": "3887500705741526467",
- "outcoming_path": {
- "distance": 329,
- "duration": 80,
- "geometry": [
- {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, -3, 0, -1)",
- "color": "normal",
- "length": 500,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.936590 55.008808 8700, 82.936939 55.008972 8750, 82.937096 55.009031 8800, 82.937238 55.009076 8840, 82.937371 55.009094 8870, 82.937555 55.009099 8910, 82.937751 55.009083 8940, 82.937978 55.009042 8980, 82.938083 55.009001 8970, 82.938323 55.008908 9000, 82.938373 55.008873 9000, 82.938498 55.008785 9000, 82.938660 55.008670 9000, 82.938863 55.008526 8800, 82.939016 55.008418 8800, 82.939913 55.007782 8500)",
- "style": "normal"
}, - {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(-1, -2)",
- "color": "slow",
- "length": 78,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.939913 55.007782 8500, 82.939992 55.007726 8470, 82.940298 55.007442 8300)",
- "style": "normal"
], - "names": [
- "Большевистская"
}, - "outcoming_path_comment": "350 м прямо",
- "turn_angle": 13,
- "turn_direction": "slightly_right",
- "type": "crossroad"
}, - {
- "comment": "Крутой поворот направо на ул. Большевистская",
- "icon": "crossroad_sharply_right",
- "id": "17324583098489101207",
- "outcoming_path": {
- "distance": 912,
- "duration": 258,
- "geometry": [
- {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(-2, 0, -1, -1, -2, -1, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, 0, 0)",
- "color": "slow",
- "length": 1079,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.940298 55.007442 8300, 82.940299 55.007159 8100, 82.940279 55.007091 8100, 82.940240 55.007045 8080, 82.940180 55.007013 8070, 82.940108 55.006980 8040, 82.940030 55.006961 8030, 82.939916 55.006950 8000, 82.939808 55.006946 8000, 82.939631 55.006958 8000, 82.938919 55.007249 7900, 82.937907 55.007665 7900, 82.937153 55.007975 7900, 82.936276 55.008335 7900, 82.935816 55.008523 7810, 82.935734 55.008558 7800, 82.932911 55.009735 7600, 82.932868 55.009753 7600)",
- "style": "normal"
}, - {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0, 1)",
- "color": "normal",
- "length": 166,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.932868 55.009753 7600, 82.932004 55.010114 7510, 82.931662 55.010260 7600)",
- "style": "normal"
}, - {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0, -1, 0, 0)",
- "color": "fast",
- "length": 355,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.931662 55.010260 7600, 82.929947 55.010991 7500, 82.929402 55.011223 7400, 82.929307 55.011263 7400, 82.929107 55.011355 7400)",
- "style": "normal"
], - "names": [
- "Большевистская"
}, - "outcoming_path_comment": "900 м прямо",
- "turn_angle": 158,
- "turn_direction": "sharply_right",
- "type": "crossroad"
}, - {
- "comment": "Держитесь правее",
- "icon": "crossroad_keep_right",
- "id": "2357458904113779569",
- "outcoming_path": {
- "distance": 198,
- "duration": 25,
- "geometry": [
- {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0, 0, -1, 0, 0, -1, 0, -2, -1)",
- "color": "normal",
- "length": 346,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.929107 55.011355 7400, 82.928912 55.011445 7400, 82.928715 55.011543 7400, 82.928300 55.011809 7300, 82.928238 55.011856 7300, 82.927908 55.012110 7300, 82.927570 55.012281 7250, 82.927210 55.012445 7270, 82.927148 55.012474 7240, 82.926876 55.012588 7200)",
- "style": "normal"
], - "names": [ ]
}, - "outcoming_path_comment": "200 м прямо",
- "turn_angle": 2,
- "turn_direction": "keep_right",
- "type": "crossroad"
}, - {
- "comment": "Круговое движение 1 съезд на ул. Ипподромская",
- "icon": "ringroad_right_45",
- "id": "3505931146236764371",
- "outcoming_path": {
- "distance": 20,
- "duration": 3,
- "geometry": [
- {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(-2)",
- "color": "normal",
- "length": 36,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.926876 55.012588 7200, 82.926613 55.012698 7100)",
- "style": "normal"
], - "names": [
- "Ипподромская"
}, - "outcoming_path_comment": "20 м прямо",
- "ringroad_exit_number": 1,
- "turn_angle": 48,
- "type": "ringroad"
}, - {
- "comment": "1 съезд на ул. Ипподромская",
- "icon": "ringroad_exit",
- "id": "8473919833578789823",
- "outcoming_path": {
- "distance": 2371,
- "duration": 260,
- "geometry": [
- {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)",
- "color": "normal",
- "length": 780,
- "selection": "LINESTRING(82.926613 55.012698 7100, 82.926711 55.012762 7100, 82.926760 55.012822 7100, 82.926804 55.012913 7100, 82.926745 55.013179 7200, 82.926749 55.013291 7230, 82.926802 55.013367 7270, 82.926892 55.013424 7300, 82.927276 55.013570 7200, 82.927374 55.013604 7200, 82.927961 55.013808 7200, 82.928094 55.013865 7200, 82.928686 55.014165 7350, 82.929755 55.014754 7430, 82.929793 55.014787 7440, 82.930102 55.015142 7500, 82.930200 55.015241 7500, 82.930359 55.015381 7500, 82.930682 55.015735 7500)",
- "style": "normal"
}, - {
- "angles": "LINESTRING(0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, -1, 1)",
- "color": "fast",
- "length": 2485,
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}, - {
- "comment": "Поворот направо на ул. Ядринцевский Конный спуск",
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}, - {
- "comment": "Крутой поворот налево на ул. Военная Горка 5-я линия",
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- "type": "crossroad"
}, - {
- "comment": "Target",
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- "id": "13991250694901917865",
- "outcoming_path_comment": "Вы на месте!",
- "type": "end"
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