Get object by id
Directory of map objects (2.0)
2GIS API Support: URL:
Getting information about map object
Displays detailed information about the map object by its unique identifier.
query Parameters
key required | string A unique key of API user. |
id required | string Map object ID. |
hash | string Basic hash consisting of 16 characters. It is used to generate statistics and display advertising options. |
locale | string The locale with which the search is performed and given results. |
fields | Array of strings Additional fields to display in the response are separated by commas.
Response Schema: application/jsonapplication/jsontext/xml
required | object (ObjMeta) Response metadata |
required | object Main result |
Response Schema: application/json
object (ObjMetaBadRequest) Response metadata |
Response Schema: application/json
object (ObjMetaForbidden) Response metadata |
Response Schema: application/json
object (ObjMetaNotFound) Response metadata |
Response Schema: application/json
object (ObjMetaServerError) Response metadata |
Response samples
- 200
- 400
- 403
- 404
- 500
Content type
{- "meta": {
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- "issue_date": "string",
- "code": 200
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- "total": 1,
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- "okato": "35",
- "subtype": "string",
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- "type": "city",
- "name": "Ust-Kamenogorsk",
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- "detailed_subtype": "poselok",
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- "dates": {
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- "updated_at": "2012-06-18T11:43:03.273144+07:00",
- "deleted_at": "2013-06-01T11:43:03.273144+07:00"
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- "comment": "50 rub per hour, first 2 hours free.",
- "name": "Underground Parking, Sun City",
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- "id": "123456",
- "name": "Novosibirsk-Western, railway station",
- "additional_info": "Shirokaya Street, 26a"
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- "id": "123456"
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- "is_visible_on_map": true,
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- "name": null,
- "apartments": null
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- "id": "123456",
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], - "count": 0
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- "additional_info": "Krasnyy Prospekt, 4",
- "name": "Bus station, Novosibirsk"
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], - "transition_type": "string",
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- "id": "123456",
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