Way to contact the organization.
Type of the contact. One of the following:
- website
- phone
- fax
- pobox - P.O. box
- icq
- jabber
- skype
- vkontakte
- odnoklassniki
- youtube
- googleplus
- viber
- telegram
Contact value to display.
Technical value of the contact. Depending on the contact type, it has the following semantics:
- email - email address
- website - full URL
- phone - phone number in international format, for example: "+73831234567"
- fax - phone number in international format, for example: "+73831234567"
- pobox - mailing address
- icq - user ID
- jabber - user ID
- skype - user ID
- vkontakte - full URL
- twitter - full URL
- odnoklassniki - full URL
- youtube - full URL
- linkedin - full URL
- googleplus - full URL
- pinterest - full URL
- whatsapp - full URL
- viber - full URL
- telegram - full URL
Clarifying information about the contact.