Other Layers | RasterJS API | 2GIS Documentation
RasterJS API

Other Layers

Used to group several layers and handle them as one. If you add it to the map, any layers added or removed from the group will be added/removed on the map as well. Extends DG.Layer.

DG.layerGroup([marker1, marker2]).addLayer(polyline).addTo(map);


Factory Description
DG.layerGroup( <Layer[]> layers ) Create a layer group, optionally given an initial set of layers.


Options inherited from Layer


Events inherited from Layer


Method Returns Description
toGeoJSON() Object Returns a GeoJSON representation of the layer group (as a GeoJSON GeometryCollection).
addLayer( <Layer> layer ) this Adds the given layer to the group.
removeLayer( <Layer> layer ) this Removes the given layer from the group.
removeLayer( <Number> id ) this Removes the layer with the given internal ID from the group.
hasLayer( <Layer> layer ) Boolean Returns true if the given layer is currently added to the group.
clearLayers() this Removes all the layers from the group.
invoke( <string> methodName, ) this Calls methodName on every layer contained in this group, passing any additional parameters. Has no effect if the layers contained do not implement methodName.
eachLayer( <Function> fn, <Object> context? ) this Iterates over the layers of the group, optionally specifying context of the iterator function. group.eachLayer(function (layer) { layer.bindPopup('Hello'); });
getLayer( <Number> id ) Layer Returns the layer with the given internal ID.
getLayers() Layer[] Returns an array of all the layers added to the group.
setZIndex( <Number> zIndex ) this Calls setZIndex on every layer contained in this group, passing the z-index.
getLayerId( <Layer> layer ) Number Returns the internal ID for a layer

Methods inherited from Layer

Methods inherited from Evented

Extended DG.LayerGroup that also has mouse events (propagated from members of the group) and a shared bindPopup method.

DG.featureGroup([marker1, marker2, polyline])
    .bindPopup('Hello world!')
    .on('click', function () {
        alert('Clicked on a group!');


Factory Description
DG.featureGroup( <Layer[]> layers ) Create a feature group, optionally given an initial set of layers.


Options inherited from Layer


Events inherited from Layer


Method Returns Description
setStyle( <Path options> style ) this Sets the given path options to each layer of the group that has a setStyle method.
bringToFront() this Brings the layer group to the top of all other layers
bringToBack() this Brings the layer group to the top of all other layers
getBounds() LatLngBounds Returns the LatLngBounds of the Feature Group (created from bounds and coordinates of its children).

Methods inherited from LayerGroup

Methods inherited from Layer

Methods inherited from Evented

Represents a GeoJSON object or an array of GeoJSON objects. Allows you to parse GeoJSON data and display it on the map. Extends DG.FeatureGroup.

DG.geoJson(data, {
    style: function (feature) {
        return { color: feature.properties.color };
    .bindPopup(function (layer) {
        return layer.feature.properties.description;


Factory Description
DG.geoJSON( <Object> geojson?, <GeoJSON options> options? ) Creates a GeoJSON layer. Optionally accepts an object in GeoJSON format to display on the map (you can alternatively add it later with addData method) and an options object.


Option Type Default Description
pointToLayer Function * A Function defining how GeoJSON points spawn maps API layers. It is internally called when data is added, passing the GeoJSON point feature and its LatLng. The default is to spawn a default Marker: function(geoJsonPoint, latlng) { return DG.marker(latlng); }
style Function * A Function defining the Path options for styling GeoJSON lines and polygons, called internally when data is added. The default value is to not override any defaults: function (geoJsonFeature) { return {} }
onEachFeature Function * A Function that will be called once for each created Layer, after it has been created and styled. Useful for attaching events and popups to features. The default is to do nothing with the newly created layers: function (layer) {}
filter Function * A Function that will be used to decide whether to show a feature or not. The default is to show all features: function (geoJsonFeature) { return true; }
coordsToLatLng Function * A Function that will be used for converting GeoJSON coordinates to LatLngs. The default is the coordsToLatLng static method.

Options inherited from Layer


Events inherited from Layer


Methods inherited from FeatureGroup

Methods inherited from LayerGroup

Methods inherited from Layer

Methods inherited from Evented


There are several static functions which can be called without instantiating DG.GeoJSON:

Function Returns Description
geometryToLayer( <Object> featureData, <GeoJSON options> options? ) Layer Creates a Layer from a given GeoJSON feature. Can use a custom pointToLayer and/or coordsToLatLng functions if provided as options.
coordsToLatLng( <Array> coords ) LatLng Creates a LatLng object from an array of 2 numbers (longitude, latitude) or 3 numbers (longitude, latitude, altitude) used in GeoJSON for points.
coordsToLatLngs( <Array> coords, <Number> levelsDeep?, <Function> coordsToLatLng? ) Array Creates a multidimensional array of LatLngs from a GeoJSON coordinates array. levelsDeep specifies the nesting level (0 is for an array of points, 1 for an array of arrays of points, etc., 0 by default). Can use a custom coordsToLatLng function.
latLngToCoords( <LatLng> latlng ) Array Reverse of coordsToLatLng
latLngsToCoords( <Array> latlngs, <Number> levelsDeep?, <Boolean> closed? ) Array Reverse of coordsToLatLngs closed determines whether the first point should be appended to the end of the array to close the feature, only used when levelsDeep is 0. False by default.
asFeature( <Object> geojson ) Object Normalize GeoJSON geometries/features into GeoJSON features.

Generic class for handling a tiled grid of HTML elements. This is the base class for all tile layers and replaces TileLayer.Canvas. GridLayer can be extended to create a tiled grid of HTML Elements like <canvas>, <img> or <div>. GridLayer will handle creating and animating these DOM elements for you.

Synchronous usage

To create a custom layer, extend GridLayer and impliment the createTile() method, which will be passed a Point object with the x, y, and z (zoom level) coordinates to draw your tile.

var CanvasLayer = DG.GridLayer.extend({
    createTile: function (coords) {
        // create a <canvas> element for drawing
        var tile = DG.DomUtil.create('canvas', 'leaflet-tile');
        // setup tile width and height according to the options
        var size = this.getTileSize();
        tile.width = size.x;
        tile.height = size.y;
        // get a canvas context and draw something on it using coords.x, coords.y and coords.z
        var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
        // return the tile so it can be rendered on screen
        return tile;

Asynchrohous usage

Tile creation can also be asyncronous, this is useful when using a third-party drawing library. Once the tile is finsihed drawing it can be passed to the done() callback.

var CanvasLayer = DG.GridLayer.extend({
    createTile: function (coords, done) {
        var error;
        // create a <canvas> element for drawing
        var tile = DG.DomUtil.create('canvas', 'leaflet-tile');
        // setup tile width and height according to the options
        var size = this.getTileSize();
        tile.width = size.x;
        tile.height = size.y;
        // draw something and pass the tile to the done() callback
        done(error, tile);


Factory Description
DG.gridLayer( <GridLayer options> options? ) Creates a new instance of GridLayer with the supplied options.


Option Type Default Description
tileSize Number|Point 256 Width and height of tiles in the grid. Use a number if width and height are equal, or DG.point(width, height) otherwise.
opacity Number 1.0 Opacity of the tiles. Can be used in the createTile() function.
updateWhenIdle Boolean depends If false, new tiles are loaded during panning, otherwise only after it (for better performance). true by default on mobile browsers, otherwise false.
updateInterval Number 200 Tiles will not update more than once every updateInterval milliseconds.
attribution String null String to be shown in the attribution control, describes the layer data, e.g. "© 2GIS".
zIndex Number 1 The explicit zIndex of the tile layer.
bounds LatLngBounds undefined If set, tiles will only be loaded inside inside the set LatLngBounds.
minZoom Number 0 The minimum zoom level that tiles will be loaded at. By default the entire map.
maxZoom Number undefined The maximum zoom level that tiles will be loaded at.
noWrap Boolean false Whether the layer is wrapped around the antimeridian. If true, the GridLayer will only be displayed once at low zoom levels.
pane String 'tilePane' Map pane where the grid layer will be added.


Event Data Description
loading Event Fired when the grid layer starts loading tiles
tileunload TileEvent Fired when a tile is removed (e.g. when a tile goes off the screen).
tileloadstart TileEvent Fired when a tile is requested and starts loading.
tileerror TileEvent Fired when there is an error loading a tile.
tileload TileEvent Fired when a tile loads.
load TileEvent Fired when the grid layer loaded all visible tiles.

Events inherited from Layer


Method Returns Description
bringToFront() this Brings the tile layer to the top of all tile layers.
bringToBack() this Brings the tile layer to the bottom of all tile layers.
getAttribution() String Used by the attribution control, returns the attribution option.
getContainer() String Returns the HTML element that contains the tiles for this layer.
setOpacity( <Number> opacity ) this Changes the opacity of the grid layer.
setZIndex( <Number> zIndex ) this Changes the zIndex of the grid layer.
isLoading() Boolean Returns true if any tile in the grid layer has not finished loading.
redraw() this Causes the layer to clear all the tiles and request them again.
getTileSize() Point Normalizes the tileSize option into a point. Used by the createTile() method.

Extension methods

Layers extending DG.GridLayer shall reimplement the following method.

Method Returns Description
createTile( <Object> coords, <Function> done? ) HTMLElement Called only internally, must be overriden by classes extending GridLayer. Returns the HTMLElement corresponding to the given coords. If the done callback is specified, it must be called when the tile has finished loading and drawing.

Methods inherited from Layer

Methods inherited from Evented