Maps API | On-Premise | 2GIS Documentation

Updating maps API services

  1. Fetch new installation artifacts.

    To get artifacts for the MapGL JS API service only, add --services=mapgl-js-api after the pull command. Without this parameter artifacts for all services will be fetched by default.

    See the reference of DGCLI command-line arguments.

  2. Check out breaking changes. If necessary, update the settings in the values-mapgl.yaml configuration file. For more information, see the service installation instructions.

  3. Run the command to update the service:

    helm upgrade --version=1.27.0 --atomic --values ./values-mapgl.yaml mapgl-js-api 2gis-on-premise/mapgl-js-api
  4. Test if the update succeeded.

You can update the Tiles API service with or without simultaneously updating its data (the tiles themselves).

  1. Fetch new installation artifacts.

    • To update only the service image, add the --only-apps flag after the pull command.
    • To update only data, add the --only-data flag after the pull command.
    • To update both service and data, run the command without flags above.

    See the reference of DGCLI command-line arguments.

  2. Copy the path to a new manifest file from the command output and set it as a value to the dgctlStorage.manifest parameter in the values-tiles.yaml configuration file. For more information, see the service installation instructions.


    You can configure the process of importing new data for Tiles API. Use the importer settings group of the configuration file. If during a regular update of the Tiles API service you do not want to import new data, specify the manifest used for the previous import. In other cases, using a new manifest is recommended.

  3. Check out breaking changes. If necessary, update other settings in the values-tiles.yaml configuration file.

  4. Run the command to update the service:

    • To update the service only:

      helm upgrade --version=1.27.0 --atomic --wait --timeout 7200s --values ./values-tiles.yaml tiles-api 2gis-on-premise/tiles-api --set importer.enabled=false
    • To update data only, set the currently installed On-Premise version to the --version parameter:

      helm upgrade --version=VERSION --atomic --wait --timeout 7200s --values ./values-tiles.yaml tiles-api 2gis-on-premise/tiles-api
    • To update both the service and the data:

      helm upgrade --version=1.27.0 --atomic --wait --timeout 7200s --values ./values-tiles.yaml tiles-api 2gis-on-premise/tiles-api
  5. Test if the update succeeded.

  1. Fetch new installation artifacts.

    • To update only the service image, add the --only-apps flag after the pull command.
    • To update only data, add the --only-data flag after the pull command.
    • To update both service and data, run the command without flags above.

    To get artifacts for the Floors API service only, add --services=floors-api after the pull command. Without this parameter artifacts for all services will be fetched by default.

    See the reference of DGCLI command-line arguments.

  2. Copy the path to a new manifest file from the command output and set it as a value to the dgctlStorage.manifest parameter in the values-floors-api.yaml configuration file. For more information, see the service installation instructions.


    You can configure the process of importing new data for Floors API. Use the import settings group of the configuration file. If during a regular update of the Floors API service you do not want to import new data, specify the manifest used for the previous import. In other cases, using a new manifest is recommended.

  3. Check out breaking changes. If necessary, update other settings in the values-floors-api.yaml configuration file.

  4. Run the command to update the service:

    • To update the service only or both service and data:

      helm upgrade --version=1.27.0 --atomic --values ./values-floors-api.yaml floors-api 2gis-on-premise/floors-api
    • To update data only, set the currently installed On-Premise version to the --version parameter:

      helm upgrade --version=VERSION --atomic --values ./values-floors-api.yaml floors-api 2gis-on-premise/floors-api
  5. Test if the update succeeded.

To store data about tiles, the service uses Cassandra keyspaces.

If Cassandra's security settings allow automatic creation of keyspaces, a new keyspace is created during an upgrade and the service switches to it.

After switching, all the data in an older keyspace become obsolete. You can keep some of the previous keyspaces as a backup and delete the rest to free up disk space.

To automatically delete old data:

  1. Set the importer.cleaner.enabled parameter to true.

  2. Set the importer.cleaner.limit parameter to the amount of old keyspaces to keep. For example, 1 means that only one previous keyspace will be kept while all older ones will be deleted. In this case, you should reserve at least three keyspace sizes (temporary, current, and N previous ones) on the disk.

  3. By default, the deleted data still occupy disk space as a Cassandra table snapshot. You can delete the obsolete snapshots manually by using nodetool clearsnapshot, or you can configure automatic deletion via JMX:

    1. Make sure that remote JMX access is enabled in your Cassandra configuration.
    2. Specify the cassandra.credentials.jmxUser and cassandra.credentials.jmxPassword parameter values.
    3. Set the importer.clearSnapshots parameter to true.