Managing map style | Urbi Pro | 2GIS Documentation

Map style management

You can change the map style for an entire project or for a certain group of layers.

To change the map style for an entire project:

  1. On the start page, click the Style Manager icon icon.

  2. Select the style from the Map style settings dialog:

    • Built-in themes: color schemes for the Urbi map.

    • Maps from external sources: maps with additional data (for example, satellite images) that you can display over the base theme.

      You can also add other maps from external sources.

Style Manager

To change the map style for a certain group of layers:

  1. Go to the Layers tab.
  2. Select a group of layers or create one.
  3. Click the Style Manager icon icon.
  4. Select the style from the Map style settings for layer group dialog.
Style Manager for a group of layers